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Show support for ProcessWire in site tagline


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One of the ways you can show support for ProcessWire is to help get the word out by including a small "Powered by ProcessWire CMS" tagline (ideally linking to processwire.com) in the footer of sites that you develop. This is a big help to the ProcessWire project.

But I know there are many cases where it just doesn't work to do that because the client thinks of it as gratuitous. I think it's important to communicate to your client that it's not gratuitous at all. It is doing the right thing by showing appreciation and support for a software that is running their site at no cost.

Even so, it's not always as simple as that, and I completely understand. We have no requirement or expectation that sites developed in ProcessWire do this. We just encourage and appreciate it when you can.

Let your client decide

One thing I've been doing lately is to put the control into my clients hands. They really appreciate that I've given them control over it… more so than if I'd left out mention of ProcessWire completely. It also makes them feel good as they are the one showing support, not just their site developer.

Here's how to do it in 1 minute:

1. Create a new "checkbox" field in Setup > Fields called "toggle_powered" (or whatever you want to call it), and enter the following for label and description:

Show ProcessWire in the footer?

If unchecked, the small "Powered by ProcessWire" tagline will not appear in the footer. ProcessWire is open source and free software. Keeping this box checked is one way you can show your appreciation and support. The ProcessWire development team requests this where possible, in exchange for using the software. However, it is at your option and not required.

2. Add the "toggle_powered" field to your homepage template.

3. Edit the homepage and check the box (if possible in your situation).

4. Edit the template file or include file that contains the site footer and paste in the following:

<?php if($pages->get('/')->toggle_powered): ?>
<a id='processwire' target='_blank' href='http://processwire.com'>Powered by ProcessWire Open Source CMS/CMF</a>
<?php endif; ?>

The code above is an example, so adjust the markup, size, wording and placement to suit the site.

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I just added it to a german site. Maybe you want to incorporate a german translation.

ProcessWire im Fuß anzeigen?

Wenn deaktiviert, wird der kleine "Powered by ProcessWire"-Slogan nicht in der Fußzeile erscheinen. ProcessWire ist Open Source und freie Software. Dieses Kontrollkästchen aktiviert zu lassen, ist eine Möglichkeit, Ihre Wertschätzung und Unterstützung zu zeigen. Das ProcessWire-Entwicklungs-Team bittet darum, soweit möglich, im Austausch für die Verwendung der Software. Allerdings ist es Ihre Entscheidung und kein Muss.

BTW: I also learned something: How to set an option only once for the home page is valid for the whole site.

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Martijn: There is a link to some high resolution logos linked at the bottom of this post. They aren't print resolution, but still quite large. We could probably use some powered-by logos, so if anyone feels like sharing what they come up with, definitely post it. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

We were on opensourcecms.com for a couple of months and slowly rose to the top of the ratings with a few hundred legitimate votes. Then overnight we went to the lowest rated with more than 2000 votes coming in a manner of hours. Basically, some Joomla fanboy decided they didn't like PW's rating and decided to slap it down to last. We eventually figured out that the site's ratings were heavily manipulated and we even figured out how to do it and notified the owners of the site about the exploit. While appreciative, I don't believe they have actually fixed it yet. So we choose to keep ProcessWire away from there until there is an honest rating system. People do actually give legitimacy to those ratings, and I want to disassociate ProcessWire from anything dishonest. For the record, we are not the only CMS project that is intentionally staying off opensourcecms.com. Also want to mention that opensourcecms.com is under new ownership (by a company associated with Typo3, I think) and they seem to be good people, so hope we can pursue getting back on opensourcecms.com someday in the future, but don't want to consider it till the system is cleaned up. So far I've seen a redesign, but not a re-do of the way ratings are handled.

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We were on that site for a while but the numbers are all rigged on it, or at least can be rigged easily by a malicious script.

We actually got to the top, only for a lot of negative votes to mysteriously appear in a short space of time.

EDIT: He beat me to it.

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This is just my personal opinion:

Until the fucking Joomla is on top with 10k upvotes, which is 10 times more votes than any other CMS has, the opensourcecms.org is useless POS. I once believed that site too, and used to look for CMS there. Not anymore.

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Shall we just agree that the first rule of ProcessWire is: you do talk about ProcessWire? Because I think that will bring much more attention to the system in the long run than a high ranking on a web site which actually considers Joomla to be CMS … ;)

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Fun fact: one of my first projects ever was a web site which ran multiple nested Joomla installations. The guy who built it obviously had never heard of something like sections before, so he just use one Joomla installation for every friggin' section of the site.

(I flat out refused to work with the current "system", so it was rebuilt using a different CMS. Now it's waiting to be moved to PW.)

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Still frustrated by the all too real objections of Ryan came into my mind that PW applies more to developers than ordinary surfers.

Then the source should be as relevant as a banner at the bottom of the page.

So I suggest that there is a recommendation for an equivalent to

<meta name="generator" content="TYPO3 4.5 CMS" />.

Also, a comment like

<! -

This website is powered by TYPO3 - inspiring people to share!

TYPO3 is a free open source Content Management Framework initially created by Kasper Skaarhoj and licensed under the GNU / GPL.

TYPO3 is copyright 1998-2012 of Kasper Skaarhoj. Extensions are copyright of their respective owners.

Information and contribution at http://typo3.org/


at the top of the page can be useful.

It is clear that in contrast to PW Typo3 here can not make provisions which can at best be overwritten. But Ryan may make a recommendation.

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Marion, I think this is actually a great idea! There were already people saying that they wanted to put a link to PW on their website, but the client asked not to. I don't think any client would oppose to have this reference on the source code :)

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Good idea Marion! It definitely ensures some credit where visible credit can't be given.

I also know from personal experience that this less visible method will still attract other developers as when I see a really nice site and want to know what CMS it was made with I always take a peek at the source code :)

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Good idea. I will plan to add this to the default profile too and we can recommend that people include the generator tag in their own sites...perhaps as a prerequisite to being listed in the upcoming PW site directory? This would make sense so that if the generator tag ever changes we know the site is probably not running PW anymore and shouldn't be linked from the directory.

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That definitely makes sense ryan. If it's an automated check it might be an idea to check for the default /proecsswire directory too just in case it's not in the template?

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The ProcessWire equivalent of the suggested code that I just added to StrategyCore is:

<meta name="generator" content="ProcessWire <?php echo $config->version ; ?>" />
This website is powered by ProcessWire
ProcessWire is a free open source Content Management System created by Ryan Cramer and licensed under the GNU/GPL.
ProcessWire is copyright <?php echo date('Y', time()); ?> by Ryan Cramer. Modules are copyright of their respective owners.
More information can be found at http://www.processwire.com

There's a bit of PHP in there to always show the latest PW version that's running, as well as the current year in the copyright line.

@ryan - would you suggest any changes to that?

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