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Problem with Module 'LanguageTabs' dependecy


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Hello and happy new year to everyone!

I have a strange problem: the notice is: Modules: Module 'LanguageTabs' dependecy not fulfilled for: LanguageSupportFields

and in the admin area I have no language tabs.

The module is normally on the ftp...

Any idea?

Thank's a lot



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  • 2 months later...

A coworker just installed the 2.5.3 with language profile, and we have the exact same issue. LanguageTabs just disappears. Commenting out the "requires" in the LanguageSupportTabs module and doing a refresh fixes the issue. After that uncommenting the line it keeps works again.

After doing a upgrade to latest dev via Ryans updater, the issue pops up again.

I noticed a similar issue on a project where ProcessLoginHistoryHooks module disappears sometimes when installing new modules. The thread starts here https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2082-module-process-login-history/?p=88573

It also has a requires dependency, that when commenting out it fixed the problem and the module appears again.

This issue should be tracked down and fixed ASAP.

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I for now filed an issue https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1011

  On 12/28/2014 at 5:34 PM, LostKobrakai said:

Yeah I had this problem with this version as well, but if I remember right it's fixed for the dev version. I don't know when or if there will be a fix for the stable version.

It's not fixed for dev version. After upgrading to latest dev the issues pop up again.

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