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FormBuilder problems...


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I'm trying to get FormBuilder to work on our PW site.  It seems that we have a license for it (I'm not the original developer) since a license number is filled in, but we can't get any of the forms to show up.  If we try to preview a form, it gives us an error of "Unknown Form - 0".  If we try to embed the form, the FormBuilder iframe is pointing to a bad url and nothing shows.  Any ideas?

I should say that I am new to ProcessWire so it may be that something isn't configured properly (although there's no warnings on the module settings page).  The original developer(s) left the project, and now I'm left to pick up the pieces.

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Is this only for FormBuilder users with valid licenses, or is the forum open to all ProcessWire users?  Also, where is the forum located?  I don't see it listed in the ProcessWire forums.  I've sent a message to ryan, but no response yet.  This is a time sensitive issue with a production site.

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It’s only visible to accounts that have a license and if I recall correctly, you have to renew your license to get access (i. e. support) annually. Renewal is not required to use the module itself, only for continual support 1 year after the purchase.

If you didn’t buy it, you should probably talk to Ryan and the person who did, in order to transfer the license?

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I have a license number filled in on the module settings, but I don't know if that is a default or if it was actually purchased and who purchased it.  I inherited this from two contractors that are no longer with us so I don't know if the license is valid, or even whose it is (the developers personal license or ours).  I guess I'll wait on a response from Ryan.

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@kd.quantum - firstly, sorry for the bad start to your PW experience.

Firstly, can you please confirm the versions of PW and FormBuilder that you are running. Maybe there is a conflict there, if PW was updated, but FB wasn't.

Looking at that error message, it is coming from line#176 of ProcessFormBuilder.module

I get the feeling that since the ID is 0, that the (int) statement in that function might be converting a string or an empty value to the 0.

Could you please try getting the value of $id before it has (int) applied - that might help us track down the issue a little better.

Hopefully Ryan will get back to you shortly, but in the meantime, this info might help the rest of us to get you up and running again.

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ProcessWire is version 2.4.0.

FormBuilder is version 0.2.2.

The error occurs in attempting to preview a form ("contact") that had previously been created.  The form has 4 fields:  first_name (text), last_name (text), email_address (email) and phone_number (text).  When I click on the Preview tab, it displays the current page inside the iframe with an additional error message "Unknown Form - 0" at the top.

I am not using any code at all, so I don't know what you're referring to with "$id".

If I attempt to embed it into a page with "form-builder/contact", the iframe errors on display because the src is pointing to an invalid url ("[site].comcontact").  We tried creating a new form from scratch ("contactinfo"), but it does exactly the same thing in preview and embedding.

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