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2.5 - install.php error : Undefined index: dbEngine


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I am doing a fresh, first-time install of processwire on my website. 

I can get past (successfully) the DB connection section, however when I click continue after the create admin account section I get a « connection was reset » error page (Firefox).

When I look at the PHP error log on the web server I find :

PHP Notice: Undefined index: dbEngine in .../install.php on line 422

I tried to simply comment out the offending section, however the install.php script uses dbEngine later on, so that only created fresh troubles.

Any suggestions ?

Please and thank you.

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Any suggestions ?

Install local (wamp) if that is ok, check host settings with php info (script or cpanel)

How did you upload the pw zip, http over cpanel or ftp ? ftp uploads more solid.

Did you unzip through cpanel ? Try to unzip with pclzip. It's not uncommon that

sometimes data gets corrupted when uploading over http or unzipping through

cpanel, (slow internet, too many shares on the server, etc)

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Thank you for these responses.

The latest detail is that the installation seems to only work if I select the Default-Beginner template.  I was trying to use the mulitlingual, which did not work, nor did the Default-Intermediate.  For my part, hey, it is working.  For PW, I think you still have a bug somewhere.

Hi Ivan,

The installer (mysite/install.php) verifies system requirements. Everything is green up to that page.


I actually decompressed the files locally and uploaded them whole via ftp.  My webhost provides a somewhat strict interface, allowing only ftp, not ssh and only preapproved apps can be installed (via an installatron interface).  I have not outright asked yet, however it seems to me that there is no way to decompress a zip file remotely.

The strictness of the access to remote resources might well be at play here.

The place in the install.php where it gets uppitty about dbEngine is on the last page of the install sequence, where it is serverside building the form for advanced options.
While the following does not seem relevant to the php loading of this last in the series of installation screens, another detail is that InnoDB is NOT supported by my host or my MySQL.

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however I seems to me that there is no way to decompress a zip file remotely.

To unzip remotely you can use pclzip with a php unzip script. I use it every now and then in case the hoster

gives me trouble unzipping through their cpanel. You should also consider moving to another less restricted

hoster. There are really lots of them out there.

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