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Rename title field

Peter Knight

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It's incredibly useful to be able to rename the default and mandatory title field on a per template basis. Another CMS I use handles this and it's great for certain situations.

Let's say I have a template called Staff Directory with the following fields

- full name

- department

- location

In this instance, I don't want an editor to see the page title field as it's not required. Making them duplicate the full name in the title field works but isn't ideal.

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This might not be exactly what you want but I think you can get a long way towards making things easy using PWs existing per-template label feature for fields.

Just edit your Staff Directory template and locate the "title" field in the list of fields and click on the word "title" to bring up the per-template field config sttings editor. You can now change the label for the title field from "Title" to "Full Name" and save that and the template you should now be able to use the title field and it will be displayed as "Full Name" on every page you edit or add.

In effect you can re-purpose the title field and remove the need for a separate full_name field. I know that might not be 100% of what you are after but it goes a long way toward it. 

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There is a bit of SEO going on here too, or can be.

So, for instance, the Full Name might be what you want to be displayed on the page, but its not what you want in the <title> tag or in the menu or in the URL.

In that case, it actually may be beneficial to have separate fields.

Of course, that might also send the client barmy and end up with them crying in the corner of the room in confusion, which might not be quite so desirable.... :)

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Of course, that might also send the client barmy and end up with them crying in the corner of the room in confusion, which might not be quite so desirable.... :)

Joss - My client currently updates their site via some kind of Microsoft Visual HTML Editor.

They have (in their current site) pink and yellow text, blinking text and background music in their newsletters.

One of us is going to end up crying in some corner of some room :)

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Just edit your Staff Directory template and locate the "title" field in the list of fields and click on the word "title" to bring up the per-template field config sttings editor. You can now change the label for the title field from "Title" to "Full Name" and save that and the template you should now be able to use the title field and it will be displayed as "Full Name" on every page you edit or add.

In effect you can re-purpose the title field and remove the need for a separate full_name field. I know that might not be 100% of what you are after but it goes a long way toward it. 

Wierd but it doesn't work for me.

The template in question is called graduate_detail.

You can see from the screengrab that I have renamed the label of the Title field to Full Name (ex Title).

However, when I create a new page based on this template, the Title field still has the label of Title.

Running 2.5.4

I'll test it on some other installs.


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Hmmm, no idea why that might be, it's working fine here on 2.5.4dev for both new...


and existing pages...


My "Full Name" field is the re-titled "Title" field in the above shots. I also tried renaming it to "Full Name (ex Title)" - just in case the brackets were messing with things - but that works fine as well.

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I've done some experimenting and made some progress.

  • Editing an existing page displays the new updated field label  :rolleyes:
  • Creating a new page displays the default field label  :(

I don't know if it's related but I then enabled Family > Show in the add-page shortcut menu

and this seems to have worked.

But back to my original point and request for the wish list. This really is a cool feature and exactly solves my "issue". 

It's another example of a cool thing which PW can do which is hidden away and not really documented.

Most of the really great features I discover are via the forums and "digging around". 

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Yes, when you first create a page, it does not know what template you are using, unless you are only allowing it to use one template.

So, any things you set on the template like the label of the title field will not show until you save the page.... er, obviously.

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