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You ask for a tool that could deal with the problematic formatting. 

That's still difficult, seeing the formatting. Developing a script that can deal with all the differences takes, I think, more time then to go over the lines in Excel.

In Excel you have a clear view over a big number of columns and rows and it's easy to select multiple columns/rows at once and move them around.

My experience with this is that you will be finished before a scripter can develop, test and finish a clear solution that will fit all the discrepancies in the formatting. And, in Excel, if you recognize a clear repeating discrepancy, it's easy to correct it with a simple formula.

Good luck anyhow with this.

Hope also that there is somebody would could give an explanation how to import the cleaned data when using pagefields. I'm curious.

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Thanks again reems I really appreciate you stickin with me on this one. I think I may have a little reprise as I am first going to send the data out to a fellow student of mine who is pretty talented with scripting and sql and see if he can find any patterns in it. If he can then I'm just going to buy him pizzas until he's done, if not then I get to set a couple days out with excel and see if I can get it all dealt with. :) 

In reference to the page field stuff I have a feeling it will actually be pretty straight forward, page fields just hold a string with the page path. So if this is the case then all I will need to do is format the text as if it were the page path itself. Then when you upload just make sure that the string is correct and it hopefully should map. I wonder if anyone reading this knows, I know I will very soon. 

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Googled some bit on the pagefield and I think you're right about this. I was thinking that the reference would be a page id, but it seems to be the title.

So, that makes it indeed easier then I thought.

I'm going to test it on one of my PW sites :).

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