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Can DuckDuckGo finally take a chunk out of Google


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I've been using DuckDuckGo(the search engine that doesn't track you) for a while now and they recently released a redesigned and much improved Version.

I have to say it looks great. duckduckgo.com

Also Apple is making DuckDuckGo a part of Safari in the next versions of Mac OS and iOS as private search option.

Does anyone think that DuckDuckGo can actually take a chunk out of Google? I would love to see them succeed. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Google: if you don´t have anything to hide, you have nothing to fear !

duckduckgo: what are others going to do with your personal or private data ?

We the people have to stick together and keep power decentralized.

We all know what happens when power gets centralized.

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I've used it before the redesign and I wasn't really pleased with it's results. Most of the time I had to use "!g" to get to google to actually find stuff. Maybe it's now more reliable.

I think that duckduckgo has improved a lot. Personally I have always been quite pleased with the results. Duckduckgo has recently included videos and images in their search which was one thing that used to be missing. Also I am a little tired with he same kind of results on google. I like to switch between search engines sometimes to find what I am after. I think it is healthy to support other search engines as I don't really want to see a world where google is the only search provider.

Another plus for with duckduckgo is that there are not heaps of ads all over the place. This does annoy me a bit.

Google: if you don´t have anything to hide, you have nothing to fear !

duckduckgo: what are others going to do with your personal or private data ?

We the people have to stick together and keep power decentralized.

We all know what happens when power gets centralized.

I do prefer my searches to be private rather than feeding a giant advertising business. But I understand that there is probably no going back as far as privacy goes in our brave new world. Can privacy really be a reality today? I'm not sure.

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I've just set duckduckgo as standart searchengine again, maybe it fits my ned now. The last time I had real issues, with finding stuff I used to find with google, and found with google after searching there. The privacy issue is clearly an issue to me, but usability and functionality is still more important.

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  • 2 months later...

Remember that part in the matrix movie where Morpheus explained to Neo that the machine world has turned

humans into batteries to power them ? That was science fiction then, but think about it, how far is our work,

social life, who we are, where we are and what we do already powering "machine worlds" like google and apple ?

Duck duck go is at least a project of the people, by the people and for the people.

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