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output file label by language


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soma thanks

sorry made a mess on install now getting an error on installation. 

Cannot redeclare class HelperFieldsLanguageLabel (line 2 of /site/modules/HelperFieldsLanguageLabel.module)
any idea?
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soma thanks

sorry made a mess on install now getting an error on installation. 

Cannot redeclare class HelperFieldsLanguageLabel (line 2 of /site/modules/HelperFieldsLanguageLabel.module)
any idea?

Cannot redeclare class HelperFieldsLanguageLabel  

Means you have the module two times installed or put in modules folder... like the class already exists.

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soma thanks


sorry made a mess on install now getting an error on installation. 


Cannot redeclare class HelperFieldsLanguageLabel (line 2 of /site/modules/HelperFieldsLanguageLabel.module)


any idea?


Bbeer, you have asked a similar question about a month ago and got a similar answer from me as Soma's...PHP errors are consistent....If it says Cannot redeclare class....it means exactly that whatever the module, or code you are using....


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