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Printing imagefield description


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Hello, I'm trying to hack this thing, witout success...

echo $page->documents; // selfie.jpg
echo $page->documents->description; // no
echo $page->documents->get("description"); // no
$f = $fields->get("documents"); echo $f->description; // neither

Thanks for any suggestion...

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echo $page->documents->description; 

should work just fine. I think it is likely your documents field is set to handle more than one image, so you will need:

echo $page->documents->first()->description;

I just did a little testing a noticed something slightly unexpected. When there is one image in the field you get:

echo $page->documents; //selfie.jpg
echo $page->documents->first(); //selfie.jpg
echo $page->documents->url; //site/assets/files/xxxx/
echo $page->documents->first()->url; //site/assets/files/xxxx/selfie.jpg
echo $page->documents->first()->description; // image description
echo $page->documents->description; // blank

With two images in the field, you get:

echo $page->documents; //selfie.jpg|selfie2.jpg

So I guess I had never noticed that you actually get the filename returned from a files array. I would have expected an error with: 

echo $page->documents;
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Get the image, then echo its description...e.g.

$images = $page->photos->find("sort=name");
foreach ($images as $image) {
           echo $image->description;

The above assumes multiple images/array...if not, just echo directly without foreach. Code also assumes you have a field called photos. The code can be shortened too :-) - so you are on the right track but probably need to iterate an array...


Edit: Adrian was faster :-)

Edited by kongondo
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