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Starting / base theme aka "blank canvas" for custom theme dev?


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I was wondering if there is anything like a base theme, supposed to work as a blank canvas for developing custom ProcessWire themes? (I have been used to use such ones (like the genesis theme) in Drupal, for custom theme work, and thus was wondering)

On the other hand, custom theme development might not be that hard anyway just customizing what is there already ... but just wanted to know. Or otherwise, what would be the "best practice" strategy for developing custom processwire themes?

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Basically, since Processwire does not have any theming engine, the trick is to just do what you like and add the ProcessWire API to output your data ...  pages, that is.

So, as Martijn says, just install PW, chuck out all the bits you don't need (fields, templates and so on), and then just think about it like writing a bit of HTML. In fact, just write some HTML.

You can use any framework you like - Bootstrap, Foundation, Adobe Edge, Frontpage 97 ......

You can use any Javascript/Jquery functionality you like.

You can use any anything you like.  Since PW does not have anything in the front end, you cannot conflict with anything unless you create the conflict yourself

True freedom!

That would be "Free as in ProcessWire"

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