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TinyMCE config depending on user role


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Hi there

Is there a way to have different configurations of tinyMCE for different roles?

Basically, I want all the bells and whistles for a superuser, but only the basics for an editor. EG - a superuser can edit the html and add tables etc whereas the editor just has bold italic and heading or paragraph level.

This was a useful feature implemented in CMSMS (which I used to use).

Kind regards


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I want to restrict the ability of users making a total mess of the pages they edit - hence a restricted config for TinyMCE.

If for example, on an occasion, they need a one off small table or some extra html within a page, it would be nice for me to be able to edit that page with the ability to access the html button of the editor. I absolutely don't want my clients getting at the html.

If the client then deletes it later or edits text within a table field, so be it.

This scenario has occurred in the past using the other CMS and caused no problem.



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The simplest way would be to modify config of InputfieldTinyMCE using a hook.

For example in the admin templates admin.php at the top:

wire()->addHookBefore('InputfieldTinyMCE::render', null, 'hookTinyMCE'); 

function hookTinyMCE(HookEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->object;
    if(wire("user")->isSuperuser()) {
        $field->set("theme_advanced_buttons1", $field->theme_advanced_buttons1 . ",|,code");

Or alike in a autoload module.

I think it would be time to recive some flattrs from you :P

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Hey Soma

That's a great solution - very much appreciated.  I am still working on my fist PW site (in 3 languages) and have to say I have no regrets about leaving the old CMS behind. I have learnt so much from the contributors on this forum. Now just need a bigger brain :-)

I havent heard of flattr - I'll go take a look.



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