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Getting a specific repeater row and its fields


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Hi! I'm currently working on a project that lists chairs. Each chair comes in multiple colors. Each chair has a repeater field with 2 fields: an upload a photo field and a select (which is a Page field) so you can associate the photo with a color from the select.

From the Color perspective. Each color has been aplied to a number of chairs, and I want to have a page for the color "Red" and list all red chairs but show the red color image of that chair.

So I need to find all chairs which are in red (this gets selected with another field but not inside a repeater). Then inside the loop I look for a repeater instance that has the color red. Everything good till the point I don't know how to find the photo adjacent to the color red. That is, the field in the same line of the repeater. I only need the full row which is the red thumbnail and leave the rest behind,

I think I might be over complicating somehow... I'm really lost. Is this the right way?

I guess this might be difficult to explain. Let me paste some code and an image for the Chair element with the repeater:

$chairs = $pages->find('colores='.$page->name); 
    $i = 0;
    if($chairs) {
        foreach($chairs as $chair) {
        $additionalClass = ($i % 3) == 0 ? " last" : "";
        <div class="item <?php echo $additionalClass ;?>">
            <a href="<?php echo $chair->url ;?>">    
                $chair_color_photos = $chair->producto_color_thumbs; // The repeater field. Contains rows with color names -> thumbnail
                $color_thumb = ''; // Find the red color name and photo
                if($chair_color_photos) {
                    foreach ($chair_color_photos as $color_photo) {
                        if($color_photo->producto_color_thumbs_opcion == $page) { // $page is Red
                            $color_thumb = $color_photo->producto_color_thumbs_opcion;
                if($color_thumb) {
                    // Find the Red photo ??
                elseif($chair->producto_thumb) {
                    echo "<img src='{$chair->producto_thumb->url}' alt='' />";
                echo "<hgroup class='descripcion'>";
                    echo "<h3>{$chair->title}</h3>";
                    echo "<h4>{$chair->summary}</h4>";
                echo "</hgroup>";
        </div><!-- .item -->


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$color = $pages->get("template=color-option, name=red"); // Or where you keep your colors actually

// Just a placeholder
$p = new NullPage();

// Loop all your repeater rows
foreach($page->repeaters as $rep) {
  // Check for the wanted color
  if ($rep->color == $color) {
    $p = $rep; // And when found, put it to our variable
    continue; // No need to go further

if ($p->id) {
  echo $p->img->url; 
} else {
  echo "No $color chairs found";

I read and wrote pretty quickly, but hopefully above could be in some help?

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