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Assets not accessible - sometimes/mobile devices???


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Hi Everyone,

I've got a weird issue I haven't been able to figure out. Please help.

For some people who visit the site, they are not able to access any of the assets, like images. For example, this image, can you access it? If so, try on your mobile device (with WIFI turned off).


Here's the code ...

<img alt="Commissioner <?php echo $page->title; ?>" src="http://cms.psc.state.ga.us<?php echo $page->heroImage->size(150, 200)->url; ?>"/>

Here's the page for this ...


... or look at it through here but it's not embeded within the main site ...


Any thoughts to the issue?

Any help is very appreciated. Thanks.

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Even on desktop your images aren't acessible for me.

do you really have the absolute url in the path? Normally it's not needed. Could do it like this when the image is in your $page

<img alt="<?php echo $page->title; ?>" src="<?php echo $page->heroImage->size(150, 200)->url; ?>" />

or can do this, if image is not placed via your $page (e.g. in template file?)

<img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>your/path/to/image.jpg"
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The reason the absolute URL is needed is because I'm pulling the content generated from the ProcessWire site into another site and the other/host site doesn't have those assets.

Here's the page in the ProcessWire site ...


And here is one of the assets:


I did verify that it exists in that location.

I just can't figure out why some people have no problems seeing the assets while other do. I'm running this on Ubuntu 64-bit.

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One of the logs is saying:

File does not exist: /var/www/cms/images_new, referer: http://cms.psc.state.ga.us/commissioners/chuck-eaton/

What is images_new? Where did that come from?

Sounds to me like the cms subdomain is not accessible outside your network which is why you can't access it on your mobile device and we can't access it at all.

My desktop is outside the network. I'm not VPN'd or anything. And it works there.

If my iPhone uses WIFI, I can see the images. If I turn off WIFI, I can no longer see them.

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