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Keeping Admin Submenu Items Expanded?


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Can somebody explain how to do this? If I have only the default admin theme installed, do I have to edit wire/templates-admin/main.js ?

If so, how / where / what exactly do I have to add / change?

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Can somebody explain how to do this? If I have only the default admin theme installed, do I have to edit wire/templates-admin/main.js ?

If so, how / where / what exactly do I have to add / change?

No. You never have to edit files in /wire/. On load, PW checks for admin templates in /site/templates-admin/. If it finds one it loads it. If it doesn't it loads the /wire/templates-admin/. So, copy the /templates-admin/ folder found in /wire/ to /site/ then edit the /site/templates-admin/xxxx.js/ to your heart's content (am not sure which .js file needs editing). When you upgrade PW it will not be overwritten :)


Having said the above, to achieve what OP suggested, am not sure editing the templates-admin would help? The Tree is controlled by the file ProcessPageList.js and ProcessPageList.module which are in /wire/modules/Process/....I think? so, hmm, override?

Edited by kongondo
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Interestingly, the problem I was experiencing seemed to solve itself... It's probably because I was constantly clearing my cookies for a different project. The admin menu tabs do stay open if you're on submenu items and they achieve it through a cookie.

But kongondo makes a good point.

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