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what does echo $variable1 || $variable2 mean?


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Just like the title says, what does this mean?

// Copy the admin.php template over the old one
echo wire('config')->paths->siteModules . 'ProcessAdminCustomPages/admin.php' . '||' . wire('config')->paths->templates . 'admin.php';
copy ( wire('config')->paths->siteModules . 'ProcessAdminCustomPages/admin.php', wire('config')->paths->templates . 'admin.php');

got this from ProcessAdminCustomPages module. I understand the copy() part. I'm not sure what the echo part is for.

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I am sure that it is a line of debug code that diogo was using to check those paths. Note the: //exit on the next line. If you uncomment that, then the echo line will show the from and to paths which are about to be copied.

In other words, that line does nothing and the || are just his means of separating the two paths - nothing to do with the PHP "OR" operator.

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