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Chrome no data received error


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Not sure if anyone else has come across this error yet, but it was driving me crazy - all of a sudden on one page of my site. At first I thought it was a code error. I went through the offending file and found that if I removed $item->sister_school->id then everything loaded fine. I couldn't even send that via error_log($item->sister_school->id) without the error. The value was sent to the log with no other errors, but the page still wouldn't load.

All other browsers and even an incognito chrome window worked fine.

Clearing the browser cache didn't help.

Not sure what fixed it in the end, but I removed all these:

Clear browsing history
Clear download history
Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data
Empty the cache
I think it might have been the cookies ... option since I had cleared the others not long ago anyway.
Hope that helps someone, although I am still not sure why removing that line of code also stopped the error!
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Hey Nico - thanks for the suggestion, but the page worked in other browsers and even an incognito Chrome window. Once the cookies/cache were cleared it also worked fine in a standard Chrome window. So it was all solved with no code changes.

The weird thing though is that there was that one line of code that could be removed and it would load in standard Chrome window as well. I even had a live version of the site (as opposed to the dev version) with exactly the same code on that page that also worked fine.

Anyway, my post here was really just a general heads up in case someone else gets this error. I do like Chrome, but I find its aggressive caching annoying at times.

One other thing I did in fixing this page is flush the DNS cache in chrome and my OS. I don't think this is related but it was suggested when I was researching the no data received error!

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Hope that helps someone, although I am still not sure why removing that line of code also stopped the error!

Whenever I run into strange errors like this, I clear the APC cache. And it usually fixes it. It sounds like that probably wasn't the issue in your case, but I have found that APC (or other PHP opcode caches) occasionally get confused and need to be cleared. 

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This is actually more complicated than I thought. Turns out all that clearing "Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data" did was log me out. The page works fine when logged out, but produces the error when logged in.

Something as simple as: 

$markers = $pages->get("/schools/")->children();
foreach($markers as $item) {

generates the error. sister_school is a page field (single) select. 

The error log receives a list of all the sister_school ids.

There are no php errors generated.

Currently baffled - will let you all know if I figure it out!

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No, I have used FirePHP in the past, but since switching to Chrome I haven't got ramped up on that front yet. Doing a million different things at the moment, but will get it  installed and see if I can figure it out. 

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Ok, I have ChromePhpLogger installed. Catch is that nothing gets logged because nothing is sent to the browser when I am logged in. When logged out, or that section of code is commented out, it works fine.

The one error I do get (in Firebug) is: status: aborted

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