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Processwire put the nail in the wordpress coffin for me...


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A past client of mine which I did a wordpress site for a couple years back is now having issues with their site layout. It's been forever since I dived into wordpress and after playing with PW for a little over a couple months, I really don't even want to attempt trying to fix the wordpress issue. In fact, I thought I eliminated every possible way an issue could come up for them :/  Anyway, I think to myself, "I can convert this entire wordpress site over to PW in a day or two and actually save myself a headache from the wordpress template forest!!

Food for thought, even though I tried to make it as user friendly as possible and wrote a user guide, it seems they have never uploaded any photos, videos, or anything of the sort. It's a shame really, and I think it had a lot to do with how Wordpress is still unfriendly to some really non-technical clients. So,  I am looking forward to blowing their minds when I show them the beauty of Processwire :)

My rant...

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I've been in the same predicament with EE and Txp - either with orphaned plugins that don't work on latest versions or server changes that rendered orphaned plugins useless. And because the sites were small enough I've converted them over just to save me (and the client) the hassle of going through an upgrade and also for the learning experience with PW. I haven't regretted doing this once.



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Tell me about it. I've been so scared to upgrade plugins and wordpress itself due to the fear of something "breaking".  And like you said, the learning experience is worth it alone. As long as PW stays on this track, I may never look back!

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