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PAGEGRID Developer Walkthrough 🤓 💥


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Hey everyone! Finally I have time to post a detailed developer walkthrough for PAGEGRID. I have the feeling that many people don't know how flexible PAGEGRID actually is as a developer tool. I think this is mainly due to the fact that most videos are showing the no-code features of PAGEGRID. But since these features are completely optional and PAGEGRID has a lot more to offer, I've put together a video walkthrough to show you exactly what I mean. My hope is that it'll give you a clearer picture of how PAGEGRID can fit into your projects and help you decide if it's the right tool for you.

Please take a look at the video below! I think you'll be surprised at what PAGEGRID can do.

PAGEGRID's core concepts (video summary):

  • Your markup: Unlike many other site builders PAGEGRID gives you complete control over the markup and structure of your frontend. You can use PAGEGRID to build specific sections or parts of your custom coded website or you can use it as a full-blown site Builder that can work without any coding. 
  • Everything is a page: PAGEGRID items are ProcessWire pages that are defined through native ProcessWire templates and fields.
  • Control what clients can editPAGEGRID offers an intuitive editor experience that's easy to learn for clients. Editing and design features can be controlled through ProcessWire’s native roles and permission system.
  • Your CSS: You can use your code editor to write CSS or you can bring your own CSS framework. PAGEGRID makes no assumptions about your CSS code. And it’s not just for Grids, display properties like Flexbox, Block or Inline-Block are also supported.
  • Nesting: A powerful feature of PAGEGRID is nesting and while this feature is completely optional it's quite useful for a lot of cases. You can define a block as a container and can define what kind of templates are accepted for the children. This can be used for layout purposes or to group items together, another example might be a slider or gallery block that the user can add items to or basically any repeatable content that you might want to put inside a block.

Developer walkthrough:

Developer Documentation:

How to create a custom block:

Documentation for creating blocks:

Try PAGEGRID for free
PAGEGRID is not free. However, you can try PAGEGRID on your local machine or on a test server as long as you need to make sure it is the right tool for your next project. … and when you’re convinced, buy your license.

PAGEGRID (FieldtypePageGrid) is listed in the modules directory, you can install it like any other module. See the install guide for more information.

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