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Select default image field (formerly 'pwAssetPageID') in TinyMCE


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With InputfieldCKEditor there used to be the pwAssetPageID property that could be added to the Custom Config Options in the Input tab. It let you define a page whose image field was used by default when clicking on the Image button in the editor.

This was very handy if you wanted to embed recurring images from a central page instead of uploading them to each page where you needed them. (I think the feature stopped working at some point, however.)

Is there a way to achieve the same behavior with TinyMCE?

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You can use a hook in /site/ready.php to set the page that images will be selected from, if you want it to be different than the default. The hook will work for both CKEditor and TinyMCE.

$wire->addHookBefore('ProcessController::execute', function(HookEvent $event) {
	$input = $event->wire()->input;
	$page = $event->wire()->page;
	$pages = $event->wire()->pages;

	// Return early if the process is not ProcessPageEditImageSelect
	if(!$page || $page->process != 'ProcessPageEditImageSelect') return;

	// The ID of the page that is open in Page Edit
	$edit_page_id = (int) $input->get('edit_page_id');
	// The ID of the page that images will be selected from by default
	// Often this is the same as $edit_page_id, but it can be different in the case of Repeater items, etc.
	$images_page_id = (int) $input->get('id');

	// Check that the $edit_page_id is populated, otherwise the user will not
	// be able to manually choose a different page to select images from
	if(!$edit_page_id) return;

	// Optionally do some test using $edit_page_id and/or $images_page_id
	$edit_page = $pages->get($edit_page_id);
	if($edit_page->template != 'basic_page') return;

	// Set a different ID for the page that images will be selected from
	// e.g. select images from the home page
	$input->get->id = 1;


Edited by Robin S
Added additional check to allow user to manually choose a different page to select images from
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  • chrik changed the title to Select default image field (formerly 'pwAssetPageID') in TinyMCE

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