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Unable to process order payment due to session change


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Hi @kongondo,

We are experiencing a lot of problems with orders that result in 500 errors after payment has been done and user is being redirected to the shop. First a couple but now very frequently. I found out this happens when users go to the website inside Facebook for example. They buy a product and get redirected to their default browser. (Usually the client is being redirected to their bank app) The browser is not aware of the session and the order is not being updated. This also happens when a user uses another browser then the default.

Using 009 and Stripe as payment provider.

I believe this is where it happens;
Cannot instantiate abstract class ProcessWire\PadloperPayment


I hope you can help me with this issue.

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On 8/12/2024 at 9:15 AM, fliwire said:

session issue.

add site/config.php

$config->sessionCookieSameSite = "None";

and make sure site is https. 

Thank you so much for this. I lost 4 hours today battling with this problem setting sessions for an iframe on a different domain.

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