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Problems with 'active' in imported pages via API


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Hi there,

I've got a site with 12 languages. When I create a page in the backend all languages are active by default, great.
However, when I create a page via the api NO languages are active, except the default language. Why is that? And, how can I make sure everything is active all the time?

I tried this piece of code to make all language active in a recently imported page...

foreach($languages as $lang) {
  if($lang->isDefault()) continue;
  $p->set("status$lang", 1);

...but it messes up the data. I've got a repeater matrix where the content gets repeated 12 times with the code above. I'm not sure why it interferes with the repeater matrix

Is there a safe, non-destructive way to make sure all languages are always active?

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Or perhaps, my whole approach is wrong and i should rely on active for translated pages instead. Maybe that's better, but then I don't know this:

  1. If I would want to make a language switcher for a specific page, how do I loop through all active translations? I can't find a selector for 'active'.
  2. How can i specify a redirect to the default language instead getting a 404 for a page with a missing language?

many thanks


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@joe_g Please check if you have any typing errors. I also have a repeater matrix and it works for me.

foreach ($wire->languages as $lang) {
	$page->set("status$lang", 1);

1. You could check if status$lang is 1
2. If there is no translation, PW automatically views the default content. But you could also check for translations an do a redirect

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