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Debug help needed - mystical exception thrown


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I am getting this kind of error messages in regular interval (about every 5 minutes):

Page: http://www.mysite.com/http404/

User: guest


Exception: Unknown Selector operator: '%' -- was your selector value properly escaped? (in /path/to/site/wire/core/Selectors.php line 165)

I suspect that it is caused by some bot or other program that queries some url of our site - since I get equal amount of emails day and night - and they are always by guests, never logged in users. Also client haven't noticed anything strange.

I haven't figured out how to duplicate that issue. Any clues how I could get more information what is causing that? I have tried all kind of obscure urls on my site, without any luck. 

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Thanks guys.

Luis: Google Analytics doesn't show anything, I don't think it get's a change to log those requests, since exception is thrown.

Soma: my guesses are on same line.

Wanze: in few places yep, but so far haven't found anything where I don't run those through sanitizer.

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DaveP: thanks. I got this solved just before your tip. I ended up using pretty much similar solution, used this logging just in the beginning of 404 template:

$log = new FileLog($this->config->paths->logs . 'mysterious404.txt');

$log->save("url: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
And then I noticed, that few urls that had , in their ?get=something,like,this
That alone doesn't do any harm, but in that site I had autoload module, that did some redirects (hooked to pageNotFound). There i had this code:
$url = $this->sanitizer->selectorValue($url);
$p = $this->pages->get($url);
if ($p->id)...
That ->get($url) was the part that was causing problems. I have now simplified that redirect module so that it doesn't need to make that get query at all anymore.
Thanks all for your help (and Ville from our office!).
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