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Module's folder seems empty to PW


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Hi all,

My website stopped working normally after an update in a shared hosting provider. 

It's not totally stopped because of cached pages!

PW not recognize any module in /site/modules folder.

Any hints please? I need to sleep again!

PS: The hosting provider support have no idea what happened.




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  1. Is www/site/modules readable and traversable? (Either world readable (r) and traversable (x) or by the user/group you run php as on that server?)
  2. Are there actually module files in the site/module subdirectories? (ie, does /home/cinemed/www/site/modules/ProcessHannaCode/ have a readable file called ProcessHannaCode.module?)
  3. Any errors at the end of www/site/assets/logs/errors.txt or www/site/assets/exceptions.txt ?
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3 minutes ago, cwsoft said:

Can you give some more details about your update process? What was the previous PW version, whats the new one. Have you updated PHP version or database in parallel? What was your update process?

I didn't updated PW. Host provider installed PHP 8.x but I'm still in 7.4. I could confirm that with phpinfo. 

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Do they changed only PHP version or also other stuff like PHP execution (e.g. www-data)? Can you temporarily switch back to previous PHP version e.g. via .htaccess directive or admin panel of your hosting company?

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20 minutes ago, netcarver said:
  1. Is www/site/modules readable and traversable?
  2. Are there actually module files in the site/module subdirectories? (ie, does /home/cinemed/www/site/modules/ProcessHannaCode/ have a readable file called ProcessHannaCode.module?)
  3. Any errors at the end of www/site/assets/logs/errors.txt or www/site/assets/exceptions.txt ?

1) I'm not sure about your question, but I can see all files and folders in FTP

2) Yes, the files are there. The missing files on top isn't the problem itself.  The main problem is the "unreachable folder" by PW.

3) The erros are about properties inside the modules, that can't be accessed;






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25 minutes ago, cwsoft said:

Do they changed only PHP version or also other stuff like PHP execution (e.g. www-data)? Can you temporarily switch back to previous PHP version e.g. via .htaccess directive or admin panel of your hosting company?

They included other php versions keeping the prior versions. So I keeped the 7.4 version in the control panel. 

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Ideas what I'd try:

  • create a backup from what you have so that you don't make it worse (files + db)
  • delete /site/assets/cache to make pw force to recreate everything, maybe something is messed up there
  • do a modules refresh and also if tracy is installed do a "clear sessions, cookies and modules refresh"
  • try different endpoints (ingocnito window, logged in vs. guest, frontend vs. backend)
  • if nothing works or helps try to install a fresh version of PW on that host - maybe the installation process will give you some warnings of anything not working

You could also copy everything to a local dev environment and see if it works there or if you get any new insights.

Don't think that it's something that should prevent you from sleeping ? 

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On 6/21/2023 at 12:00 PM, bernhard said:

Ideas what I'd try:

  • create a backup from what you have so that you don't make it worse (files + db)
  • delete /site/assets/cache to make pw force to recreate everything, maybe something is messed up there
  • do a modules refresh and also if tracy is installed do a "clear sessions, cookies and modules refresh"
  • try different endpoints (ingocnito window, logged in vs. guest, frontend vs. backend)
  • if nothing works or helps try to install a fresh version of PW on that host - maybe the installation process will give you some warnings of anything not working

You could also copy everything to a local dev environment and see if it works there or if you get any new insights.

Don't think that it's something that should prevent you from sleeping ? 

Finally solved dudes!

You almost hit the point. I did all you suggested and nothing worked, but the key was delete all entries of the table "caches" without delete /site/assets/cache. 

After that, click refresh button until all modules get included on caches table again.

Somehow the host provider messed up something during their updates.

Thank you all for the help and suggestions. 

Now I can sleep very well! 

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