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Weekly update – 10 March 2023


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This week the focus was on core updates and we have a quality mixture of minor issue fixes, pull request additions, and other improvements in ProcessWire on the dev branch. My favorite addition was from a PR by @matjazp that makes improvements to ProcessWire's pagination module, MarkupPagerNav.  See more updates and PRs in the dev branch commit log as well. There's still more to add before we bump the version to 3.0.214, so stay tuned for that next week.

By the way, if you've recently launched any new sites in ProcessWire, please add them to our sites directory. I think most of us are already subscribed to the ProcessWire Weekly email, but just in case you aren't, you can subscribe here. The email content is from weekly.pw written by @teppo  and is great to read, highly recommended! Thanks and have a great weekend!

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@wbmnfktr I checked our list and don't see your email is on it. So next I checked the list activity log and see that we got 3 bounces from your email about 2 years ago. After 3 bounces it removes you from the list, as Mailgun doesn't like it if we keep sending to an address that bounces. I think it can be solved just by re-subscribing. Please let me know if you find it doesn't. Thanks. 

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