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Do I need the "Pro" plugins to build a full website?


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I'm new here. Processwire is being considered by my company. What we require is not difficult, but I'm looking for a solution that will allow us to scale quickly. I noticed you have some "pro" plugins here. I'm wondering if they're really necessary. Can I, for example, create the same fields as with profields or build forms as with proforms?


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You can build great websites with everything that comes with processwire. If you need something more special there are almost always free modules available.
I built all of my websites without any pro modules. Until now.... I thought I might give it a try ? the repeater matrix pro module is a really sophisticated way to add/manage content on pages.

Creating forms can be a bit tricky though - there is no form editor or whatsoever included so I would advice you to give Pro Forms a try. Otherwise you would have to hard-code the forms or use the processwire API to create them. As long as there is only one simple contact form on your page I would try to code it myself in that case.


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1 hour ago, Castle said:

I'm new here. Processwire is being considered by my company.

Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy Processwire as much as I do ? 

1 hour ago, Castle said:

What we require is not difficult, but I'm looking for a solution that will allow us to scale quickly. I noticed you have some "pro" plugins here. I'm wondering if they're really necessary. Can I, for example, create the same fields as with profields or build forms as with proforms?

That's a little hard to say... In general you can build great websites without any paid pro module. ProcessWire is at its heart a content management framework that helps us developers build what our clients need and Ryan is always happy to put everything into the core that is necessary to make that work. Pro modules are in general either making things easier for us devs (so instead of coding something on our own we can just pay some money and get the result instantly) or make things more performant, for example my only paid (almost)must-have module is ProCache:

  • 29 seconds: no cache enabled (free and I guess faster than many other CMSs)
  • 6 seconds: built-in cache enabled (free and quite sure faster than many many other CMSs)
  • 0.017 seconds: ProCache enabled (paid module, insanely fast ? )


Have fun ? 

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