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Show field data in collapsed repeater header?


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I have a client who will be using repeaters to keep a simple set of dated notes about a page. So, you open a page, go to the "Notes" tab and you have a repeater field that has a date, choice of author name, and a bodytext field. Is there a way to display the date of the note (if it is not empty) in the header for the collapsed repeater items? Also, is there a way to collapse all but the latest repeater entry by default?

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Not currently. Though I suppose you could create a module to hook the relevant components to do this. But the custom header name has come up as a repeated request, so this will be added pretty soon. The ability to have the items collapsed has also come up before, though not necessarily to have some collapsed and some not, but I'll look into it. 

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@richard cook -

i think what you want to do might be achievable with some jQuery;

have you considered using Admin Custom Files, and then using jquery to collapse the repeaters, and also add the required content where needed?

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