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Login Register redirect to 403


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Hello, I'm new here, but I've been using PW for some time now, so far so good, but I have a problem with LoginRegister module.

Some context :
I have a website currently on Mamp's localhost :
I have a profile.php page and a connection.php page.
When user is not logged in, he is redirected from profile.php to connection.php where Login/Register is used.

The aimed setup :
Not logged user are redirected to connection.php, after connection, they are redirected to profile.php
The profile page contains everything to manage account
The connection page is only there for registration and connection, not for account managing

The Problem :
The forms for login and the links to reset password & register are outputed, but when I try to login with a test user and click on the login btn or the register link I'm redirected to
http://localhost:8888/sans-soleil/site/templates/?register=1, wich give me a 403, where I suppose I should have something like http://localhost:8888/sans-soleil/connection/?register=1.
For the forgot password, the first link works, but after, when I submit the mail, I also get the 403.

I tried the basic code provided in the documentation of the module, the more advanced version where you can give your own redirection target, and tried an other module (FrontEndUser). With everything I get the same 403 with the same url each time. I've bying searching the forum for some infos but gave me nothing that worked for me so far.
I guess it as something to do with my install and not the module itself as two module have the same error, but I can't figure out what causes my problem.


PS : The pro version of Login register will be better for my needs in the future, but I want to try out the regular, and make it work, obviously, before upgrading.

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