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How do you deal with multiple files with the same names in your IDE

Ivan Gretsky

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Good evening (at least here where I'm at))!

Wireframe has a lot of files named the same way (default.php). When working with multiple files in an IDE (read "all the time") it is hard to distinguish between tabs as they are all named the same. At least it is in VS Code due to this issue. I am used to give files meaningful (bul long) names. I used to have templates/views/home/home.view.php instead of templates/views/home/default.php. Files are better searcheable this way too. Do you know any workarounds? Could it be worth it to have default filenames in Wireframe have configurable patterns, so that something like templates/views/home/home.view.php was possible?

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5 hours ago, Ivan Gretsky said:

Wireframe has a lot of files named the same way (default.php). [....] Could it be worth it to have default filenames in Wireframe have configurable patterns, so that something like templates/views/home/home.view.php was possible?

Agreed, this is kind of annoying.

I don't run into this too often nowadays since I tend to keep only those files open which I currently work on — and usually all of them are visible at the same time, with the editor split into 2-5 columns/rows — but your suggestion makes sense to me. I'll look into this ?

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13 hours ago, wbmnfktr said:

I've seen some hacks / config settings for VSCode to display at least the parent folder of a file. Never tried or used them... but maybe still worth trying to look into this.

Just an example:


I've checked it out. I turned out I was wrong, and tabs in VS code already do it out of the box (actually just like PHP Storm as on @Robin S's screens):

and you can configure it even more))


But the paths look so small I didn't notice them. And sometimes they still are not explicit enough. But maybe I just need to get used to this.

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10 hours ago, teppo said:

I don't run into this too often nowadays since I tend to keep only those files open which I currently work on — and usually all of them are visible at the same time, with the editor split into 2-5 columns/rows

What is your monitor size?)))

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/15/2021 at 10:45 AM, Ivan Gretsky said:

What is your monitor size?)))

15 inch MacBook Pro, no external monitors. I'm used to pretty small print — cranking the resolution setting to max space and then decreasing the font size a few times works wonders ?


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