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Forum Re-structuring


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The forums have been re-ordered and re-categorised in what we hope is a more logical setup.

The idea is that the first set of forums introduces new users to what's going on, shows off some sites that have been built in ProcessWire as well as what's on the horizon.

The second set is all about support - the aim is that newcomers will be guided to the first three forums in their search for a solution to a particular problem before posting it in the General Support forum. The remaining forums in that section tend to fall under more advanced features and contain more advanced questions as a rule.

The final set of forums is Off Topic. There is a new Dev Talk forum for non-ProcessWire-specific discussion which frees the Pub forum up a bit more for general chat.

Hopefully that all makes sense - the topics in the Pub have been split where appropriate into the Dev Talk forum.

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