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Thoughts of selling commercial Processwire applications on Marketplace e.g ThemeForest


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Hi guys, so this thought came to my head after seeing only a commercial application on Envato Market ( CodeCanyon ), An Hotel application platform using Processwire, because lately as a result of my country, I can't easily do alot of things to get paid via PayPal and there isn't much commercial avenue with Processwire community e.g Marketplace or a store, my question is has anyone ever thought of selling solutions built with Processwire on the themeforest market or experience with that. It is just something I'd figured to raise up here, because it is one of the easiest CMS to have installed and deployed with an application. Hoping to get feedbacks and insights.  

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It's probably doable, but I see 2 potential problems for it.

The first one is missing structure. ProcessWire is super flexible, which means you won't have any guidelines how to structure whatever you're building in a way that your customers will be happy with it. For customers this also means more overhead in trying to apply a certain bought solution, as each might work differently.

The other part is market size. Themeforest and people on the platform do make their money by volume. Wordpress and HTML Templates are great for volume sales. ProcessWire doesn't have that kind of adoption numbers. This might be a classical chicken/egg problem in that not having things on themeforest might keep adoption low, but if you're looking to make money (in a reasonable timeframe) I'm not sure concentrating on ProcessWire in a setting like Themeforest is the best bet.

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