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Comment form not showing Star input


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I have this code in my template but it's not loading the stars. In the module CommentFrom if I comment out the check around whether it should show the stars they still not not render.

Any ideas why the stars will not show???


// comments form with all options specified (these are the defaults)
echo $page->comments->renderForm(array(
    'headline' => "<h5 class='uk-modal-title'>Leave a Review</h5>",
    'successMessage' => "<p class='uk-alert-success'>Thank you, your review has been submitted.</p>",
    'errorMessage' => "<p class='uk-alert-danger'>Your reivew was not saved due to one or more errors. Please check that you have completed all fields before submitting again.</p>",
    'processInput' => true,
    'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
    'attrs' => array(
        'id' => 'CommentForm',
        'action' => './',
        'method' => 'post',
        'class' => '',
        'rows' => 5,
        'cols' => 50,
	'inputWrapTag' => '<div class="uk-input">',
    'labels' => array(
        'cite' => 'Your Name',
        'email' => 'Your E-Mail',
        'text' => 'Your Review',
        'website' => 'Your Website',
        'stars' => 'Your Rating',
        'submit' => 'Submit Review',
    // the name of a field that must be set (and have any non-blank value), typically set in Javascript to keep out spammers
    // to use it, YOU must set this with a <input hidden> field from your own javascript, somewhere in the form
    'requireSecurityField' => '', // not used by default

Even this line does not seem to work in inspector, it just shows the default p tag

    'inputWrapTag' => '<div class="uk-input">',

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  • 2 weeks later...
20 hours ago, patricktsg said:

Can you post your code for rendering the form.

Just what is shown in the Implementation field:

echo $page->comments->renderAll();

I suggest testing a Comments field on a clean installation of PW so you can determine that it does indeed work and then you can focus in on what might be different on your other site.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/17/2020 at 3:57 PM, patricktsg said:

Can you post your code for rendering the form. I have the js and css in place but I still only see the name email and message field, never shows the website or stars if I enable them

Same effect here.... 

I confirmed that the css / js files are working fine.

still the star section is NOT  showing...





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  • 1 month later...

Any updates regarding this ? 

I have to enable the star option for comments in my new project - As I mentioned in above comment, CSS+JS files are  linked correctly. 

The code to  render the comment  as :

 echo $page->videocomments->renderAll(); 
                    echo $page->videocomments->renderStars(); 

videocomments is the filed name for comments

But the stars are not showing anywhere  when we try to input the comment  ?  But  stars showing in the admin panel and also it shows when a comment is approved but just a single star only




The star option is enabled in admin section as well 548168244_Screenshot_2020-06-22EditFieldvideocommentsbhimonlineclassroomin.png.d03ec79e41ad85d57e5b0d4384382617.png



So there is no way I can display the STAR option when a comment is input. Please help 


thank you

Here is the  page link to enter comments / feedback 



 The version I am using is 

ProcessWire 3.0.158 dev © 2020 


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@JeevanisM Post all code from that template. Are you 100% sure you enabled stars for the field named videocomments?

Also, check your browser console, because there are errors/missing files (/js/pjax.js and /js/lazysizes.min.js) on the page that you linked. I don't think that it's related to your problem with missing stars, tho. Just a heads-up.

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