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Rendering Children of page [Solved]


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Sorry, I am full of questions at the moment.

But it is my birthday and I have been spending the day avoiding clients a messing around!

I want to render a row of pages (as blocks) in my bootstrap template. The idea is that you can create these special pages and it will display the most recent three in a row - the whole rendered page in each case.

So I think I want to do something like:

$footers = $pages->get("/home/blocks/footer-blocks")->children();

foreach($footers as $footerblocks) {

echo $footerblocks->render();


Then do a limit=3 somewhere.

I am sure I read something somewhere that had at least part of the answer, but I cannot find it!

Am I heading the right direction?


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Certainly heading in the right direction. I would try

$footers = $pages->get("/home/blocks/footer-blocks/")->children("limit=3");

(Completely untested - I'm sure someone will correct me.)

<edit>adamspruijt beat me to it</edit>

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Ah, replies in harmony!

I approve.

You have to remember that all the so-called coding I do is cutting and pasting little bits from everywhere and guessing whether I have done the right thing.

So, I tend to err on the side of ... "Oh, that will never work!" with most things I do

Generally the rest sounds doable, ProcessWire won't dictate the method so it's up to you really.

I keep holding out for the system where I can literally write in my page

"Look, I sort of want to do this, lay it out a bit like this, and then control it by pressing a big blue button."

And the system will go - "What, like this?"

And voila, it works!


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I keep holding out for the system where I can literally write in my page

"Look, I sort of want to do this, lay it out a bit like this, and then control it by pressing a big blue button."

And the system will go - "What, like this?"

And voila, it works!

PW is about as close as you'll find, for now.

(And I did have an extra '/' in my answer ^-^ )

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Part way there - the render() bit isn't working.

If I put $footerblocks->body; - then it outputs the body field, so the idea is right, just not quite doing what I hoped.

I will continue digging.


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Happy birthday Joss. You'd want to render each individual page

$items = $pages->get('/home/blocks/footer-blocks/')->children('start=0, limit=3'); 
foreach($items as $item) {
 echo $item->render(); 

I added that "start=0" into the selector, just in case you are using pagination somewhere on the page. Otherwise, that isn't necessary.

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Hi Ryan, thanks - going out for a serious Thai later. Take a break from cooking (http://www.foodloversdiary.com)

Yes, that is what I have been doing:

<?php $footers = $pages->get('/home/blocks/footer-blocks/')->children('start=0, limit=3');
foreach($footers as $footerblocks) { ?>
<div class="span3">
<?php echo $footerblocks->render(); ?>
<?php } ?>

Which is outputting nothing.

However, the following works with a specific field:

<?php $footers = $pages->get('/home/blocks/footer-blocks/')->children('start=0, limit=3');
foreach($footers as $footerblocks) { ?>
<div class="span3">
<?php echo $footerblocks->body; ?>
<?php } ?>

So, I am a bit confused.

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Anyone notice I had a superfluous "home" in the first line???

Removed that and it works. So my final code is:

<?php $footers = $pages->get("/blocks/footer-blocks/")->children("limit=3");
foreach($footers as $footerblocks) { ?>
  <div class="span3">
      <?php echo $footerblocks->render(); ?>
<?php } ?>

Thanks everyone!

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The result, which is directly aimed at Bootstrap, means that I can line up blocks in a row and the client can change them just by re-ordering the pages. I might add a count so that if there are 3, the class is Span4, if there are 2 it is span6, if 4, span3 and so on. Might be fun ..... or confusing!


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