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Trouble with install (Rackspace Cloudsites)


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Hey all, hopefully this is an issue that someone here has some experience with. I'm doing a typical ProcessWire install with the latest master from Github. The install goes smoothly it seems but once I'm finished and I try to access either the front end or admin I get:

Error Call to a member function getLoadQueryAutojoin() on a non-object (line 309 of /web/content/wire/core/Pages.php)

I've never really had issues installing ProcessWire before, its about as typical as CMS installs get. I tried doing a dump of my database (assuming that this error seems to be telling me data is missing?) but when I tried to import the sql file it wouldn't complete succesfully (sorry I don't remember the error I got for this). Any help is appreciated, even if it means I have to my work away from Rackspace.

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The error message doesn't look like a problem with the host to me... maybe there was some problem when copying or unzipping the files?

edit: just noticed that this was my thousandth post :)

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The Rackspace backend just says 5.3, no more details, I can get more from phpinfo if you want. The thing about this is that I tried it local, on two different VPS systems and a shared hosting plan we have, and they ALL worked.

It's for the best RackSpace is slow for the price, there focus seems squarely on ease of use, which is a big plus for some, but usually just drives me nuts.

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Do you have a URL for the specific plan this is at Rackspace? I'd like to do a little more research just to see what the issue might be. I might be able to tell something from phpinfo or even their sales page. Or if this is a VPS or something where you can easily setup an account, I'll be happy to login and troubleshoot it.

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  • 6 months later...


I know this is an old thread now, but I'm hoping I can provide some useful information relating to this error, as I encountered it myself recently when installing ProcessWire on Vidahost Cloud hosting.

I eventually managed to trace the problem back to a probable cause, and a solution - please bear with me :)
  • The "non-object" mentioned in the error was the "type" property (which was NULL) of the fieldtypes list for a template (the loop in Pages.php).
  • It was NULL because fieldtype information was not set when initialised.
  • ... because the list of modules could not be loaded and returned to the functions relying on them.
I think this was caused by the findModuleFiles() function. Although it seemed it could create the file on the first call of this function, the combination of network file system in the cloud hosting (which introduced a delay in file access) and the LOCK_EX parameter meant that the data couldn't actually be written to it.
On next calls to the findModuleFiles() function, the cache file "exists", but its empty contents are returned - resulting in the error.
From testing, my proposed change removes the LOCK_EX parameter, which allows the data to be written to the file correctly. In addition, if the cache exists - the content is only returned if the array isn't empty.
My proposed code changes are a pull request on GitHub if anyone else encounters this problem.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Another quick update to this problem - in that it should not be a problem any more!

Ryan's changes in ProcessWire 2.4.5 (commit) has moved the modules cache file into the database using a new cache module - removing the problem caused by the file not getting written properly in certain environments.

Thanks Ryan! :)

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  • 1 month later...

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