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Cannot trash a page


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Hey all,

Can anyone clearify this error message for me?

Fatal error: Exception: This page may not be placed in the trash (in xxx/xxx/wire/core/Pages.php line 779) #0 [internal function]: Pages->___trash(Object(NullPage)) #1 xxx/xxx/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 xxx/xxx/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('trash', Array) #3 xxx/xxxwire/core/Page.php(895): Wire->__call('trash', Array) #4 xxx/xxx/wire/core/Page.php(895): Pages->trash(Object(NullPage)) #5 xxx/xxx/site/modules/UsersGiveToAll.module(266): Page->trash() #6 xxx/xxx/site/templates/statistics/ajax_actions/users/user_status_inactive.php(8): UsersGiveToAll->activate_user(Object(User)) #7 /xxx/xxx in xxx/xxx/index.php on line 214

This error message was shown because site is in debug mode ($config->debug = true; in /site/config.php). Error has been logged.

I run this code:

public function activate_user($u)
	 if($u->user_status = 'inactive')

		 $transaction = wire("pages")->get("template=transaction, users=$u, transaction_type=5");
		 $u->user_status = "";
		 return true;
	 return false;
	 return false;

I can't get clear WHAT is going wrong here...

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That line (Pages.php:779) says:

if(!$this->isDeleteable($page) || $page->template->noTrash) throw new WireException("This page may not be placed in the trash");

And isDeletable() if defined like this:

public function isDeleteable(Page $page) {

$deleteable = true;
if(!$page->id || $page->status & Page::statusSystemID || $page->status & Page::statusSystem) $deleteable = false;
else if($page instanceof NullPage) $deleteable = false;

return $deleteable;

So, based on the above there are a few possibilities:

  • $transaction is a NullPage object and/or hasn't got id defined: very likely, as this would be the case if no page was found when calling get() with that selector
  • $transaction has status flag statusSystemID or statusSystem: very unlikely, but you'd probably know if such a flag had been set
  • transaction template has noTrash property: possible, if you've checked it from Templates -> transaction -> System -> Disable Trash Option (System tab is shown only if you've got advanced=true in your config)

I hope this helps. :)

Edit: To sum it up, try wrapping that trash() call like this:

if($transaction->id) {

Edit 2: Sorry for confusing with all that stuff... Just noticed that trash() is being called with a NullPage object as an argument, so get() has definitely found no page. [ #0 [internal function]: Pages->___trash(Object(NullPage)) ]

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