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How to store data

Melvin Suter

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Hi there


I've been wondering, how to do this the right way... How do you store data? For example:
I've created a recipe-book for myself. Every recipe is a page. Inside those recipes I've got a textarea with instructions and I need to have a list/table with ingreadiants and amount. Right now I'm using a yaml-field, as it is the easiest way. But is there a better/correcter way to store data like that? Or as a better example, if you have a page and want comments to that page?

Basically it's just the setup where yo have items/pages with multiple sub-entries with multiple values.
Do I write a module/template which access the database directly over the $database API and create my own table? Or do I create sub-pages to that page for each entry? Or do I use yaml-fields?

I get that normaly a page would be the primary data-entries. But with time that would make the tree quiet bloated, wouldn't it?


Thanks and Regards

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From the top of my head this could do it this way :

a template with a title and body (recipe) field and a repeater field to hold the ingredients list :

a text field to hold the ingredient name

a text field to hold the amount of ingredient

a select field to hold the amount unit (tsp, l, ml? etc..)

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There are so many ways in ProcessWire to do or save things.

Depending on your background and history with ProcessWire you will find other ways or solutions.

I know recipe-collectors that would only need two fields. A title and a textarea.

I personally would go a more abstract way to be able to much more and other things.

  • Template: Recipe
    • Fields:
      • title (text)
      • summary/introduction (textarea)
      • preparation (textarea)
      • ingredients (repeater)
        • Fields:
          • ingredient (page reference - pages with template ingredient)
          • amount (int or text)
          • unit (select options - grams, cups, liters, hint)
      • images (image)
  • Template: Ingredient
    • Fields:
      • title

With that setup I can easily collect all my recipes, create a list of all ingredients I need for all of my recipes. Can look for recipes with a special ingredient and so on.

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1 minute ago, wbmnfktr said:

There are so many ways in ProcessWire to do or save things.

Depending on your background and history with ProcessWire you will find other ways or solutions.

I know recipe-collectors that would only need two fields. A title and a textarea.

I personally would go a more abstract way to be able to much more and other things.

  • Template: Recipe
    • Fields:
      • title (text)
      • summary/introduction (textarea)
      • preparation (textarea)
      • ingredients (repeater)
        • Fields:
          • ingredient (page reference - pages with template ingredient)
          • amount (int or text)
          • unit (select options - grams, cups, liters, hint)
      • images (image)
  • Template: Ingredient
    • Fields:
      • title

With that setup I can easily collect all my recipes, create a list of all ingredients I need for all of my recipes. Can look for recipes with a special ingredient and so on.

+1 for the ingredient template allowing to create a ingredient database.

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2 hours ago, wbmnfktr said:

There are so many ways in ProcessWire to do or save things.

Depending on your background and history with ProcessWire you will find other ways or solutions.

I know recipe-collectors that would only need two fields. A title and a textarea.

I personally would go a more abstract way to be able to much more and other things.

  • Template: Recipe
    • Fields:
      • title (text)
      • summary/introduction (textarea)
      • preparation (textarea)
      • ingredients (repeater)
        • Fields:
          • ingredient (page reference - pages with template ingredient)
          • amount (int or text)
          • unit (select options - grams, cups, liters, hint)
      • images (image)
  • Template: Ingredient
    • Fields:
      • title

With that setup I can easily collect all my recipes, create a list of all ingredients I need for all of my recipes. Can look for recipes with a special ingredient and so on.

I actually did exactly as wbmnfktr suggested in a previous project (still in development). At first I was a bit hesitant of having to create new ingredients every time I wanted to add a new unique recipe, but the pros quickly outweighed the cons. It makes filtering on the front end a lot better/easier, as well as makes new recipes easier.

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Allow creating new pages from page reference field and ingredients aren't a thing anymore.
Add autosuggest and everything is fine.
I actually imported lots of ingredients before. So authors typed bro... and they got broccoli already. Less typos. Perfect.

I clean up once in a while but that's a matter of minutes now.

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