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(Solved) Support for dash (-) in email fields


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Well, I'm weird because I have several email addresses that have dashes in them in the local domain part (before after the @). This is perfectly legit and my email addresses certainly work. However, PW's email input field always seems to complain if I try entering one of these dashed emails into it. I haven't tried it yet with PW, but '+' can turn up occasionally in gmail addresses.

Any chance that we could support weirdos like me with the email input field?

Edited to correct mistake.

Edited by netcarver
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ProcessWire doesn't do any sanitization/validation beyond that from PHP's filter_var(FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL | FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

I went in and tried addresses like ryan-@domain.com and ryan+cramer@domain.com and ry+an-@domain.com, but it accepted all of them (FieldtypeEmail / InputfieldEmail). I might need another example from you to reproduce the issue with?

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