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[Solved] ProcessHello executeSomething


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Howdy all,

I am having difficulty getting an AJAX URL to target the appropriate executeSomething method. No matter how I define the URL only the execute() method is called.

I am creating a process module based on ProcessHello. I have sub-menu options defined which have their own paths as stated in the module.info.php file. However, an example ajax url defined as "./some-thing" does not access the executeSomeThing method. It only hits the execute() method. I have tried an ajax url as "./sub-menu option path/some-thing" and still no joy.

Obviously I am missing something very simple. Can anyone shed some light on this please?


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Thanks Robin, but now the complete URL is shown in the network tab, where as only the url specified in the ajax url is shown when omitting the trailing slash. The response data is still the data generated by the execute() function.

Originally, I had manually built the menu structure under Admin, and assigned separate process modules to each. The ajax requests worked. Now I am trying to refactor this to removed duplicate code, installing half a dozen process modules, etc. Using the ProcessHello structure, those "physical paths" that ajax was previously using no longer exist.

Does this mean that I have to write my own routing procedure in the execute() method?

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do you maybe have the page path history module installed? if you had those ajax endpoints as real pages maybe there is some redirection going on... just try your setup on a fresh pw installation. working with process modules and executeSomething is usually really easy ?

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15 minutes ago, rick said:

This is a fresh PW (98) install with only Tracy, Upgrades, and Export Profile modules installed.

8 hours ago, rick said:

No matter how I define the URL only the execute() method is called.

maybe you want to share the code how you define your urls and also the related execute method?


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My process module is using the ProcessHello files:

This is the MyProcess.module.php without all the comments:

class MyProcess extends Process {
	public function init() {
		$this->config->styles->append ... datatables.css;
		$this->config->scripts->append ... datatables.js;

	// Main menu end point.
	public function execute() {
		// Display placehoder content from main menu

	// Sub menu end point.
	// This is the method executed regardless of ajax url setting - see myprocess.js
	public function executeOption1() {
		$mytable = <<<_OPT ... _OPT; // myTableID
        return $mytable; // This is the data shown as the ajax response.

	// Ajax end point.
    // This is the method that should be executed.
	public function executeOption1List() {
		// extract data from pages
		$result[] = [ col1, col2, ...]
		echo json_encode( $result );


$info = array(
	// title, etc.
	// page that you want created to execute this module
	'page' => array(
		'name' => 'myprocess',
		'parent' => 'admin',
		'title' => 'My Process'
	// optional extra navigation that appears in admin
	'nav' => array(
			'url' => 'option1/', // number only for clarity
			'label' => 'Option1',
			'url' => 'option2/',
			'label' => 'Option2',
	// for more options that you may specify here, see the file: /wire/core/Process.php

MyProcess.config.php is the example provided in ProcessHello. I'm not using it at the moment.

The MyProcess.js:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#myTableID').DataTable( {
        dom: '<lf<t>ip>',
        processing: true,
        ajax: {
            url: './option1-list/', // I've tried with/without trailing slash, with/without './', etc.
            dataSrc: ''
        columns: [
            { blah blah },

Like I said, there is something simple that I am missing, but I can't seem to find it. This works in the stand-alone modules, but does not work in the ProcessHello mode.

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59 minutes ago, OLSA said:

Can you try to change url (without "-" separator)

Yes, I tried that, along with many other permutations. Now, I'm in the middle of starting over again with a fresh install.

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When you use a single "." at the start of a URL it means "the current path". Your Javascript executes from "/admin/myprocess/option1/", so when you define the AJAX URL as "./option1-list/" the resulting URL will be "/admin/myprocess/option1/option1-list/".

There is no execute method for that URL. Generally you would expect a 404 error, but because URL segments are enabled for Process modules the URL segments are parsed and the valid segment "option1/" is found, and the "option1-list/" doesn't resolve to anything so is effectively ignored. So that is why executeOption1() is executing and you are getting that data back in the AJAX response.

For your own clarity I suggest assigning an absolute URL to a variable in Javascript and using that as your AJAX URL. That way you can log the URL to debug and be sure it is what you are expecting.

var url = ProcessWire.config.urls.admin + 'myprocess/option1-list/';
console.log("url: " + url);
// ...


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Bingo! We have a winner! Everyone can go home now, @Robin S done won the prize. ?

I cannot tell you how long that would have taken me to figure out.
I'll give you a hint: I'm old and don't have that much time.

Thank you and thank you to everyone that helped. This forum community makes a defining difference between other CMSs.

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  • rick changed the title to [Solved] ProcessHello executeSomething

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