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Apache/PHP "hangs up" when $config->debug = true;


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A specific page (frontend) is not being loaded when $config->debug is true;

It is a similar observation as described here before:



If I set $config->debug to false, it works.

No error message, nothing.

The page uses PageTableExtended, but it is not that complex (9 pages in involved in the PT).

What could be the reason? What can I do about it?

Did you have similar observations?

Thank you.

PHP 7.07 / PW 3.0.94

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@dragan Yes, I've tested this before, then disabled Tracy, AOS and stuff.

Then I remembered ChromePhpLogger and disabled this one. The latter helped.

Could be some recursion / stack problem?

The problem is gone for now, but It is a little scaring, as I have no indication about what went actually wrong.

It might happen again?

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On 5/15/2018 at 1:28 PM, theo said:

The problem is gone for now, but It is a little scaring, as I have no indication about what went actually wrong.

What I have sometimes found helpful in such cases is to bootstrap PW and render the page in question from the command line, i.e. something like

php -r 'namepsace ProcessWire; include("index.php"); $p = $pages->get("ID_OR_PATH_OF_YOUR_PAGE"); $p->render();'

since PHP CLI is usually a bit more talkative when things go haywire. Might be worth a try.

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