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Module Idea : Dev Tool to Keep Track of Non-Template Files and What They Do


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Firstly apologies for the convoluted thread title. This was an idea I had a while ago and was brought to mind by @dragan's recent post.

Going back to a project, I took some time to find where various bits of code were lurking - 'standard' files like init.php, ready.php, finished.php (are there any others?), 'non-template' files in /site/templates/ ('_whatever.php' type stuff) or something/somewhere else (folder inside /site/templates/ for example).

Anyhow, the idea was for a process module (custom admin page) to check these built-in locations and configurable for others, with a docblock parser, that would report what files were in use and what functions they contain.

  1. Is there anything like this already? <edit class='saveReading'>Yep, Tracy (as is so often the case) has it covered</edit>
  2. If not, is there any merit in such a tool being created (shouldn't be that hard)?


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15 minutes ago, DaveP said:

and what functions they contain

This part is covered by the Template Resources panel in Tracy. Perhaps it's time to parse the associated docblock and make that available as well - perhaps expandable like I have done in the Captain Hook panel?

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7 minutes ago, adrian said:

This part is covered by the Template Resources panel in Tracy.

TBQHWY I hadn't ever looked at that panel before now, and it pretty much does the job I had in mind - simply tracking where stuff was happening, included file wise. Docblock stuff would be a bonus, but I would class it as a welcome addition rather than a must-have. ^-^

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