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populate repeaterfield from form


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I cannot get it going. I try to update a repeater field, containing username, email, a int value, a addresse and a description. I post the data to a handlerfile. So far so good. 

But how can I save the data to the field? 

The Pages is under home and contains a repeater_field named multi_locations -> this should be updated. 


My try so far: 

if ($input->post) {

// $p = new Page();
// $p->of(false);
// $p->parent = $pages->get(1);
// $p->template = $pages->get('probleme');


$melder = $sanitizer->text($input->post->melder);
$email = $sanitizer->email($input->post->email); 
$location = $sanitizer->text($input->post->location);
$urgency = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->post->inlineRadioOptions);
$description = $sanitizer->text($input->post->description);

echo $melder . "| " . $email . "| " . $location . "| " . $urgency . "| " . $description;

$p->multi_locations->title = "tryout";
$p->multi_locations->melder = $melder; 
$p->multi_locations->mailadresse = $email; 
$p->multi_locations->map->address = $location; 
$p->multi_locations->urgency = $urgency; 
$p->multi_locations->beschreibung = $description;



Please help me bring some light into the dark.


Thank you in advance! 

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13 minutes ago, Albert said:

I try to update a repeater field

Try this:

$repeaterItem = $page->multi_locations->eq(0);
$repeaterItem->title = "tryout";
$repeaterItem->melder = $melder;
//etc for other subfields

This will change the values for the first item in the repeater field. You can use eq(n) or first() or last() depending on your needs.

That is for updating an existing repeater item, but if you're creating a new page, then you need to add a new item to the repeater:

and also read this post:


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7 minutes ago, Albert said:

But I cannot just make a new repeaterfield? 

If so then I have to go with pages instead...

Do you mean a new item in an existing repeater field? This post shows how to do that:


Is that what you are wanting?


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