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CodeKit.app (Mac) constantly refreshing - ignore .../assets/


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In case anyone else encounters this, I am developing a site and using CodeKit.app.

Under some circumstances CodeKit was re-processing files once per 2 seconds when it should do it only when it sees an edit made by me to a .scsss or .js file etc.

The answer was to get CodeKit to ignore /site/assets/

As usual the dev for CodeKit was super-fast to make suggestions and one of those lead me to the fix. Thanks Bryan @ CodeKit ^_^

Edit 2017-09-07

TL;DR; alt-click folder `assets` and choose 'Skip This Folder' (LH pane) not 'Set Output Actions' (RH pane).

I was getting this happening again but wasn't able to stop it - it turned out I was attempting to tell CodeKit to ignore files the wrong way(?) or at least in a way that failed. With the `assets` folder selected in CK I was clicking 'Set Output Actions' in the RH column and it appeared to stop the constant refreshing but actually that was a 'red herring'; actually what I needed to do was alt-click the `assets` folder (LH panel) and choose `Skip This Folder'. Solved ?

Edited by alan
Added more concise instructions as I was using wrong approach (doh >_<)
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Thanks @alan! I'm a happy CodeKit user too.

4 minutes ago, ukyo said:

npm + gulp + bower, now this is better solution for me

Since I do not start a new frontend project too often, I keep forgetting all the related cli stuff (commands, updates, incompatibility issues, etc..), that is why I stick to CodeKit. For me, CodeKit is the timesaver.

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45 minutes ago, ukyo said:

npm + gulp + bower

Ditto szabesz; I would love to get into that lower-level approach and one day maybe I will get there, until then I have CodeKit to keep me warm ^_^

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On 21.3.2017 at 3:47 PM, ukyo said:

npm + gulp + bower

It is also easy to use Bower with CodeKit, but I still prefer to use it with the command line. ;)

On 21.3.2017 at 3:32 PM, alan said:

The answer was to get CodeKit to ignore /site/assets/

For a while now, I skip every folder in CodeKit I don't work in:

  • assets
  • modules
  • vendor
  • wire

For example if I had upgraded TracyDebugger with the Upgrade module, CodeKit always wanted to compile scripts and styles. Also pausing CodeKit (CTRL + ALT + CMD) is helpful before making big changes to the files.

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I don't want to convert this topic to codekit or not question.

With npm + gulp + bower its easier than codekit on my side. I have a skeleton gulpfile.js `gulp dev` and `gulp production` or `gulp watch` command is enough for compile files and run prepared tasks.

Here is an example of gulp file : https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp#sample-gulpfilejs

prepare your source and destination folder and run tasks.

My development folder structure :


Destination point is : site/templates/dist

Anyway, every developer has different work structure. This is mine :)

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  • 5 months later...
13 minutes ago, AndZyk said:

Bower is sadly becoming obsolete. The developers of bower recommend:

Probably a better link in this case: *** ignore this ***

EDIT: ah, I FOUND it :( under the "jumbotron"

Anyway, thanx for the info!

Edited by szabesz
see EDIT
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