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filtering rows from a repeater field


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I have a repeater field where one of the constituent fields is a checkbox for whether the repeater item is "live" or not.

What I want to do is fetch only those items from the repeater field where the "live" value is checked. Is this possible?


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Yeah, Soma's right!

You can do it this way:

foreach ($page->myrepeater as $item) {
if ($item->visible) {
	echo "<p>$item->title</p>";
    //or do something else...

or this:

foreach ($page->myrepeater->find('visible=1') as $item) {
 echo "<p>$item->title</p>";
   //or do something else...
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Thanks chaps!

I had tried that and thought it wasn't working, but in fact it was. What was happening was that I had pulled an entire page of data, then was trying to "overwrite" one part of it with the filtered version of itself. Trying to overwrite an object with an array = bad news!

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  • 4 months later...

I can't seem to get repeater selectors work correctly with date fields. I have a repeater with four fields:

  • photo (single image)
  • bannerlink (page field)
  • startdate (date)
  • enddate (date)

What I want to achieve is getting one random repeater which has startdate < time() < enddate. So it should have startdate which is before this very moment and enddate that is after this moment.

Results I am getting are strange:

// Get the current timestamp
$time = time();

// I put my repeater pages into variable
$banners = $page->shop_banners;

// This is where things start to go strange
$less_banners = $banners->find("enddate>0, enddate>$time");

foreach($less_banners as $p) {
echo "START: " . $p->startdate . " < NOW: " . date("j.m.Y H:s", $time) . " < END: " . $p->enddate . "<br>";

I have total 6 items, where 4 doesn't have anything on enddate, One has enddate before this moment and another has enddate after this moment.

With that loop I get rows like:
START: 7.8.2012 02:51 < NOW: 3.12.2012 14:42 < END: 4.12.2012 17:48
START: 2.12.2012 00:00 < NOW: 3.12.2012 14:42 < END: 2.12.2012 23:00 // THIS LINE SHOULD NOT BE HERE?

// Then if I put it other way around:

$less_banners = $banners->find("enddate>0, enddate<$time");

foreach($less_banners as $p) {
echo "START: " . $p->startdate . " < NOW: " . date("j.m.Y H:s", $time) . " < END: " . $p->enddate . "<br>";

/* I get zero results */

Show me where I am doing it wrong (I still have a bad gut feeling about doing something very silly here). I have tested this on pretty recent stable version and also latest dev version. I do similar stuff in many places (with events-item template etc), so I do know it should work - but for some reason I don't can get it working with repeaters.

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Antti, it looks like this is a result of output formatting being on, so it's doing a string comparison rather than a time comparison. This is not intended and not a detail people should not have to account for, so I'd consider it a bug. Thanks for tracking it down. The bug is only for in-memory finds on date fields, not database finds, as it's working how it should there already. I've put a fix in the latest commit to the dev branch of you want to try it out. It shows two files updated, but the only one that matters here is /wire/core/Array.php


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