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is there an easy way for persistant ?modal=1


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i open the pagetree in a modal like this

<a href="/admin/page/edit/?id=123&modal=1" class="pw-modal" ...

that works great for pageedits. but if i open the pagetree (/page/?open=123) the page opens in modal-mode, but if i click on edit, the &modal=1 gets lost and the whole admin page gets loaded in the modal. is there an easy way to stay in "modal-mode"?

i want to get rid of all the breadcrumbs and menu stuff here:


@Pete again... "please wait 40 seconds before submitting" thats REALLY annoying when i just want to edit my original post. any chance to deactivate this?

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I had this issue with FEEL though never fixed :) Perhaps you could hook it, or add a click eventlistener that intercepts the event. Unfortunately Pagelists already have click events and it's hard deal with it - maybe mousedown/mouseup could help somehow (I've used this in a module (AOS).

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Just throwing out an idea: maybe some JS via AdminCustomFiles that appends "&modal=1" to links in the pagetree depending on if window.location.href contains "&modal=1"? You'd have to find a way to re-init the script for each AJAX load in the pagetree though.

Maybe you could to follow the same principle in PHP with a hook to the pagetree render and $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? Not sure if that would work.

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