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Developing local/online


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Just my thought about how to improve developing local and what others are thinking about this. No need to explain that there are many good reasons to always have a working local copy of the project or website you are working on (in case the site gets hacked, problems with your hoster, moving to another host, etc. etc.) However you have to deal with two problems: 1. in time the website grows in size and it takes longer and longer time to synchronize the website between your laptop and the host, and 2. the online database will always be different from the local database. You cant just synchronize the online database with the local database without the danger to erase something in the online database. So now I changed to develop with 2 windows open: one window where I work local and a second window where I copy the same work online. This saves me 1. the increasing time to synchronize the site folder and 2. it also saves me the problems with synchronizing the online database with the local database. However I have to do my edits both locally and online but it is a working solution. What are you guys working solution in this ?

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I've been developing on Linux for years now. I used to have a script, that when run, would do a $DB dump, store it in a folder, that folder along with all recent changes would get rsynced up to the live website. A few seconds later, I would visit a unique URL on the live website, it would run the latest $DB dump script (it would then delete itself and the dump), so it would remain in sync with my local. Simple. Whole thing took no longer than 10-15 seconds.

I stopped using it when I made a copy of a project into another project. Ran the $DB script and overwrote the wrong project, lol.

I now do things a little more manual and less automated.

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