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mpdf storing pdf to file system


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hi guys,

i'm playing around with mpdf library (of course i know pages2pdf module) :)

$mpdf = new mPDF();

$mpdf->WriteHTML('<style>' . wireRenderFile('styles/invoice.css') . '</style>');

$mpdf->Output('invoice.pdf', 'F');

this creates "invoice.pdf" at /site/templates

i want it to be saved at /site/assets/files/pageid so i tried

$mpdf->Output('../assets/invoice.pdf', 'F');

wich worked, but

$mpdf->Output($config->urls->assets . 'invoice.pdf', 'F');


Warning: fopen(/site/assets/invoice.pdf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/billing.dev/site/modules/mpdf60/mpdf.php on line 8335
mPDF error: Unable to create output file: /site/assets/invoice.pdf

why does the first work and the second does not?

thanks for your time! :)

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Actually if you want it to save to the assets/files/pageid folder for the current page, this is what you want:


But do you want to save it directly, or would you rather just add it to a files field for the page?


If you went that route you could do:

$mpdf->Output('/tmp/invoice.pdf', 'F');

or something like that :)

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thank you tpr and adrian,

@adrian - that was what i wanted to achieve but there is some strange behaviour :(

$filename = "invoice.pdf"; 

$mpdf->Output($filename, 'F'); // creates file /site/templates/invoice.pdf correctly
$mpdf->Output($filename, 'I'); // shows the file in the browser

ChromePhp::log(file_exists($filename)); // returns true

$page->invoice_pdfs->add($filename); // creates a 0 byte file entry in the field, but no file in the page's files folder
$page->invoice_pdfs->add("invoice.pdf"); // same as above
$page->invoice_pdfs->add("/site/templates/" . $filename); // does nothing and seems to break (no "added file..." log)

ChromePhp::log('added file ' . $filename);

error when editing the page with the 0-byte file in the file-field:

Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /var/www/html/billing.dev/site/assets/files/1567/invoice.pdf in /var/www/html/billing.dev/wire/core/Pagefile.php on line 324

thanks for your help!! :(

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ok it works now - you were both right (as expected) :) it was important to use the PATH to the file (thanks tpr, $config->paths->templates)

$filename = $config->paths->templates . $page->parent->invoice_type . '_' . $page->invoice_num . '_' . $page->invoice_to->client_company . '_' . $page->invoice_to->client_forename . '_' . $page->invoice_to->client_surname . '.pdf';
$mpdf->Output($filename, 'F');



one more question: 

i was not able to save the pdf to the assets folder, so i guess this is because of some security issues? how would i create files in a different folder above the current working directory? just curious :)

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