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How to read a InputfieldImage settings from Pageimage Hook?


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I am trying to extend InputfieldImage & FieldtypeImage.

I want something like this:


When I call method action() i want read settings saved with my ExtendedInputImageField field. Then i want perform action based on that settings.

I have first part. I can save EntendedInputImageField settings when I configure new field.

In this way I save the settings:

public function ___getConfigInputfields() {

     $inputfields = parent::___getConfigInputfields();
     $field = $this->modules->get("InputfieldTextarea");
     $field->attr('name', 'advSetting');
     $field->attr('value', $this->advSetting? (string) $this->advSetting : '');
     $field->label = $this->_("Advenced Settings");
     $field->description ='';

     return $inputfields;  


Pageimage::action Hook

class FieldtypeExtendedImage extends FieldtypeImage {
     // [...]	  
     public function init() {
            $this->addHook('Pageimage::action', $this, 'action');
     public function action(HookEvent $event) {
            // How can I read 'advSetting' settings here?
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This is a good question, and one of the most advanced questions I've ever seen asked here. Here's how to do it. Unfortunately the $field context isn't available to the Pagefile/Pageimage, though the $page context is (accessible as $this->page from a Pagefile/Pageimage object). Given that, we can find the $field context like this:

public function init() {
   $this->addHook('Pageimage::action', $this, 'pageimageAction');

public function pageimageAction(HookEvent $event) {

   $field = null; // where we'll keep the field we're looking for
   $image = $event->object;
   $page = $image->page; 
   $action = $event->arguments[0]; 

   // find all fields of type FieldtypeImage that are part of the page we're using
   $imageFields = $page->fields->find('type=FieldtypeImage');

   // loop through to find the one we're looking for
   foreach($imageFields as $imageField) {

       // good to get unformatted in case it's a single image field, 
       // because it'll still be an array rather than 1 image
       $pagefiles = $page->getUnformatted($imageField->name);

       // if the image's pagefiles property matches the one with the 
       // field we're looking at, we have a match. save in $field
       if($image->pagefiles === $pagefiles) {
           $field = $imageField;

   if($field) {
       $out =  "<ul>" .
                   "<li>Field: {$field->name}</li>" . 
                   "<li>Action: $action</li>" . 
                   "<li>Filename: {$image->filename}</li>" . 
                   "<li>advSetting: {$field->advSetting}</li>" .

       $event->return = $out;

To examine the result, do this:

// single image field
echo $page->image->action('test'); 

// multi image field
foreach($page->images as $image) {
   echo $image->action('test'); 

I will look closer at adding the $field context to the pageimages/pagefiles/pagefile/pageimage instances in the near future so that it's not necessary to find it yourself like this. But this is the best way to go for now.

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