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  1. Hi Everyone, I wish to display a gallery of images from multiple pages on the site. These images have custom fields created through page reference called 'furniture_list_type'. Each image now has a radio button which has been selected. In the example code below all images appear from the "gallery20", however the selector "gallery20.furniture_list_type=3390" does not have any effect. "3390" is the id of the page reference "chair" selected through the page reference. I wish only images selected as chair to show. Hope someone can help with this. Thanks, Calum $imagePages = $pages->find("template=makers-child, gallery20.furniture_list_type=3390") ; foreach($imagePages as $p) { echo "<ul>"; foreach($p->gallery20 as $image) { echo "<li><img src='{$image->url}'>{$image->furniture_list_type}</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; }
  2. Hi there, I have a bit of trouble on filtering correctly some event pages by some selectors... I do have the following 2 date fields: - start date (fieldname = date) - end date (fieldname = enddate) Some events are a single day event (only start date) - some are a multi day event (end date). Past single day events should not show up. Current multi day events should show up (even if start day is in the past, but end date is future). So I have the following selector: if ($standort == '') { $termine = $page->children("sort=date, limit=10, (date>=today, enddate=''), (enddate>=today)"); } else { $termine = $page->children( "(standort_reference~=$standort), (standort_alle=1), (date>=today, enddate=''), (enddate>=today), sort=date, limit=10"); } This selector $termine = $page->children("sort=date, limit=10, (date>=today, enddate=''), (enddate>=today)"); works fine, but the follwing does not work (all past entries are also shown): $termine = $page->children( "(standort_reference~=$standort), (standort_alle=1), (date>=today, enddate=''), (enddate>=today), sort=date, limit=10"); I have no clue what I'm missing - any ideas?
  3. ProcessWire added the numReferences property in 3.0.107, which returns the count of all pages having a reference to the page object. However, apparently it's not possible to use this property inside a selector. I'm trying to find all pages that are referenced at least once: $pages->find('template=service, numReferences>0'); This throws an error: "Field does not exist: numReferences". Is there another way to filter by the number of references? Of course, I could manually filter the results of the find query, but that feels overly complicated. Ideally, I would also like to filter the number of references from a specific field; that is, find all pages that are referenced at least once in one specific page reference field. Is there a way to do this? I guess supporting numReferences in selectors would be a feature request - if so, is it feasible? Thanks!
  4. Hi Guys, i've got a page reference field "mh_lstg" with a specific selector in it: template=lstg_mainTmpl|mh_mainTmpl,mh_bautraeger.id=mh_bautraeger.id This will give me no results. If i set the "=mh_bautraeger.id"-part to "=1070", i'll get the result as expected. The "mh_bautraeger" is also a page reference. This field is located in both templates (lstg_mainTmpl|mh_mainTmpl ). I will achieve, that i only get the data from lstg_mainTmpl, if i select in the mh_mainTmpl the mh_bautraeger-ID, that belongs to the record from "lstg_mainTmpl". Can anybody give me a tip ( assumed you know what i mean ;-) )? Many Thanks!!!
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