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  1. Hello, I'm trying to paginate results that may have Url Segments and I want to modify the Base Url. How do I accomplish this within renderPager? I found docs here: https://processwire.com/api/ref/markup-pager-nav/render/, but it hasn't pointed me in the right direction. $pager->setBaseUrl(string $url); echo "<div id='pagination' class='uk-container uk-container-medium uk-margin-large-top'>"; echo $matches->renderPager(array( 'nextItemLabel' => "Next", 'previousItemLabel' => "Prev", 'currrentItemClass' => "uk-active", 'listMarkup' => "<ul class='row uk-flex-right'>{out}</ul>", 'itemMarkup' => "<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>", 'linkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}' class='uk-button uk-background-secondary'><span class=''>{out}</span></a>", )); echo "</div>"; Or, does anyone know of a better option?
  2. Hello guys. I am super happy to be passing to the final cleanup of my first custom build theme and to start applying the SEO optimization modules/code. I noticed something strange this morning and can't find out where exactly is my issue. Hopefully it is a quick fix or silly miss on my side. So here is the issue: I am generating a list of all my recipes in the db using the following query: <?php if($page->numChildren) { //Build a selector and limit page results to 10 $recipe_results = $page->children("limit=4"); //Assign results of the array to $listing foreach($recipe_results as $index => $listing) { //Limit the text content to 160 chars using the function in function.php $text = $sanitizer->textarea(truncate("$listing->recipe_intro_text", 160)); ?> Then follows the boring part of html insert of the variables, clases etc. The listing works fine. So as far as there would be more than the planned results per page, I implemented the page rendering using the following code: <!-- Pagination --> <?php echo $recipe_results->renderPager(array( //Show font awesome right hand icon for next page 'nextItemLabel' => __("<i class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i>"), //Show font awesome left hand icon for previous page 'previousItemLabel' => __("<i class='fa fa-hand-o-left'></i>"), //Define the active class of current page 'currentItemClass' => "current", //Define the block markup code 'listMarkup' => "<ul class='page-nav'>{out}</ul>", //Define the item markup code and applying currentItemClass 'itemMarkup' => "<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>", //Generating the link appearance of all buttons 'linkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}'>{out}</a>", )); ?> <!-- Pagination --> And again, everything worked perfectly after I allowed page numbers. So then I implemented a few similar queries in the sidebar of my website, listing content from other page parents/children. Here is one example: <?php $favorite_books = $pages->find("template=books-inner, sort=-random, limit=3"); foreach($favorite_books as $b) { if (count($b->book_images)) { $thumb = $b->book_images->first->size(70,60)->url; $desc = $b->book_images->first->description; } else { $thumb = $settings->small_thumb->url; $desc = "NoThumb"; } ?> <li> <div class="thumb"> <a href="<?php echo $b->url?>"> <img src="<?php echo $thumb?>" alt="<?php echo $desc?>"/> </a> </div> <div class="detail"> <a href="<?php echo $b->url?>"><?php echo $b->title?></a> </div> </li> <?php } ?> It was all working fine, until I started browsing page 2, 3, etc. It appears for some reason, that the pageRendering is applied not only to $recipe_results, but also to all requests from the widgets. So on page 1, I get the proper number of recipes and proper number of results in the widgets (books in this example). If I browse to page two, I still see the proper recipes number and everything else, but the widgets show only 1 result (as far as I have imported 4 test posts only). On page 3, it shows notihing in the widgets, but recipes are OK again. As far as to render pages I am using $recipe_results and the pageRender is called for that variable, I am not sure why it is also applied to $favorite_books and other widgets. Any suggestions or ideas what is going on? I tried to change every variable on the page thinking that I might be having a call to the same one, but it is obvious in the example that they do not match...
  3. Good day! Suddenly I stumbled upon pagination once again. Pagination itself works as expected, but renderPager() returns the same markup on every paginated page. So it is 1st page current on every /pageN/. What can cause this? Please help.
  4. I'm just looking at trying to modify the output of the renderPager function. Instead of <li> for the page numbers, we need a select menu. Is it possible to modify the HTML that is returned or will I need to write my own function? Historically I would have used some form of override (Joomla) or inheritance to achieve this. What is the best way to 'build' on the PW core rather than rewrite it? What we're looking to achieve is have a dropdown rather than the intermediary numbers e.g. 1 ~ DROPDOWN ~ LASTPAGE
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