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  1. Background I'm creating a module to integrate https://pushalert.co/ into ProcessWire. You actually don't even need a module. You could just use the "Other Websites" javascript provided by PushAlert for basic functionality, ie send a broadcast notification to all subscribers. This is essentially...
  2. This module enables you to send push notifications and receive information about sent notifications on your HTTPS ProcessWire website. It enables you to: Create a field of type FieldtypePushAlert that you can add to a page template. This is a multi-input field widget that enables you to s...
  3. Hi all, Im currently building a photo sharing website and have a first version finished. Next step is to incorporate notifications in the website if a user likes one of your photo's, or comments on a photo you posted. Just like the notification bell at the top of the forums. Any idea how t...
  4. Hello All, I have enabled System notifications in admin and every time i load a page iam getting the following 404 notifications (everything seems to be working fine) any ideas? 404 occurred: wire/templates-admin/styles/AdminTheme.css.map Chrome 56.0.2924.87 2017-03-12 16:22:57 404 occurre...
  5. In my ProcessBlog project, I have multiple authors and would like to send notifications on a couple different kinds of events. Situation 1: First, for blog_comments (a FieldtypeComments field) on the blog posts, I'd like to email the page's creator when there is a comment posted. Since the field'...
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