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First I am a PW student I think it's the best PHP Framework. So please don't get me wrong when I asked when other Frameworks like the big 3 (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal) are too complicated to use or maintain (I tried them all) why are people still using them? PW is just too elegant in comparison even for a newbie like me.
Hey are there any drupal convert/devs in here? I have been having an ongoing discussion with a number of firms about Processwire. I am always pushing Processwire pretty hard. I feel like I can do anything with PW! Faster and more elegant than with any other CMS. What I notice is that most good size firms that I talk to are heavily invested in Drupal. Every discussion I have had with developers and stakeholders is the same. They say that Drupal is pretty much the only option for large websites and that it allows them to produce anything extremely fast with all the modules etc. that people have produced... that they never have to reinvent the wheel. My experience with Drupal is that it is extremely cumbersome, produces pretty much the worst output I have ever seen. Has a very poor user experience for managing/organizing and editing content. And makes you work 5 times harder. Granted, you can click a lot of buttons and produce views and get content on the screen... but it seems like so much extra work.. almost like you spend all your time trying to clean up the mess Drupal makes with endless overrides and pounds and pounds of HTML & CSS... gah.... It seems a lot like the way Wordpress works... "there is probably a plugin for that...." But I feel so frustrated with CMSs that have your functionality, workflow, and user experience predefined. I am so tired of fighting a CMS. That is exactly why I love PW... It's never in the way. Let's me work the way I do. Almost all of the larger business/organization websites that I come across are Drupal... So I don't want to be biased and hate on it, that's not my intention. So I guess I am looking for feedback from people who know... Is there really anything in Drupal you cannot do with PW? Is PW a capable platform for large scale websites? (I believe it is, but I am having trouble demonstrating it to people) Is it really less work and more efficient to implement advanced functionality with Drupal vs PW? Thanks in advance for any feedback and contributions to this discussion.
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I am starting a new project and ran across PW on the Bitnami list. I spent the time to install PW on my WAMP stack and take a look. I went through the Planet Tutorial and implemented HTML Jump start and the grids are working. I am amazed at how quickly I have ramped up to this point. I have a lot of Drupal module experience and can tweak Drupal modules. I have a lot of programming experience but little php. I am not worried about learning the needed PHP skill. Below is a list of the things I need to do for this site. My question is …..Can I learn the needed skills to produce this site faster in PW or Drupal. Drupal will get me 70% there will modules. PW I think more like 50% but after only working with PW a short period of time it seems I might be the other 50% done in PW faster than the 30% in Drupal ? I don’t know either API set (drupal hooks) but I started down the Drupal path and was discouraged quickly as it is learning a new language that is applicable only to Drupal and most likely makes sense after you are ramped up but right now look ill thought out. Drupal is great if you can get 95% there with modules. This project is more like 60% there with Drupal modules but I sure dislike the BLOAT and the resulting lack of speed. For this site I need. 1. Has to be tablet and phone responsive. 2. Easy two level nav bar (menu) 3. Has to manage orders as it is a service oriented e-commerce site. Shop for PW looks like 60% of what I need. 4. Need to easily be able to ask the users a series of questions and build an “order” based on the answers. Some of the questions will result in form changes that would ask yet different questions. So I need to look at some good code for DB interaction. Perhaps looking closer at Shop will ramp me up there since the DB interaction I need is all order related. 5. I need to interact with a tool that will calculate mileage from address A to Address B. 6. I need payment gateway. 7. Standard social media like/follow 8. Contact Form with email to multiple email addresses. 9. I need to expose the Orders and other order related info to admin users that should only see the order management (none of the standard PW admin). This is pretty easily done in permissions in Drupal and it looks to be the case in PW also but I have not looked close enough yet. That is it…version 1 does not need sliders or anything flashy….maybe later. So if anyone out there knows the Drupal bloat and also knows PW and can venture an opinion which tool I can use to create this site faster I am all ears. Also any specific tutorials or other ramp up articles to read to understand working with MySQL would be great. Thanks Much JW
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Hi, i want to import stuff from Drupal to Processwire and have create an importscript but some things doesn't work. I import a list of questions from users and i will manipulate the page created date (thats work fine) and change the User to the right one. If the User dosn't exist, i will creat a new one. But this is the first problem i have, no user will be change or create... The second problem is to find out if the page does alrady exist or not. If the Page exist i will only modify some fields, otherwise i will create a new page..... To find out if the Page exist and whats the Page ID do i also need to import the Comments..... readCSV.php: // Read the CSV file and get an array of rows function readCSV($file){ $lines = array(); foreach(file($file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES) as $line){ $lines[] = str_getcsv($line); } return $lines; } import.php: while($i < $countArray){ // Initzalisierung der Variablen $title = $data[$i][0]; $date = $data[$i][6]; #$summary = ''; $body = $data[$i][1]; $categorys = $data[$i][4]; $tags = $data[$i][3]; #$images = ''; $authorName = $data[$i][5]; $sanitizTitle = $sanitizer->pageName($title); $post = $pages->get("template=$template, name=$sanitizTitle"); if(empty($post)){ $p = new Page(); // create new page object $p->template= $template; //set template post $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/$parent/'); //set the parent $p->name = $sanitizTitle; // SANITIZE!!!! $p->title = $title; // added by Ryan: save page in preparation for adding files (#1) $p->save(); $p->created = $date; // Timestamp!!! $p->save(array('quiet' => true)); // To save the created Date $p->body = $body; // $p->summary = $summary; // Looking for the inizialisation $p->tags = $tags; $p->categories = $categorys; $p->save(); echo 'Created Page: '. $title .'<br>'; $authorNameSanitiz = $sanitizer->name($authorName); if($users->get($authorNameSanitiz)){ $authorID = $users->get($authorNameSanitiz); $p->createdUser->name = $authorID; } else { $u = new User(); $u->name = $authorNameSanitiz; $u->addRole("author"); $u->addRole("guest"); $u->save(); echo 'creat User: '. $authorName .'<br>'; $authorID = $users->get($authorNameSanitiz); $p->createdUser = $authorID; } $p->save(); #} // populate fields //$p->images->add('path/to/image1.jpg'); // add multiple to images field $i++; } The CSV: "Titel","Inhalt","E-Mail","Schlagworte","Thema","Benutzername","Beitragsdatum" "digitale Filme in der Strahlentherapie","Hi,<br>zur Zeit suchen wir in unserer Abteilung für Strahlentherapie in Regensburg eine digitales Filmsystem.<br>Welche Firmen bieten den solche Systeme für die Strahlentherapie an?<br>MfG<br>Jan<br>","","","Strahlentherapie","pete","1437587189" "Gehalt MTA R","Hallo,<br>ich interessiere mich für den Beruf. Wo kann ich erfahren, was ich ausgelernt verdiene? Gibt es einen Tarifvertrag? In welchem ist man da wie eingruppiert? Vielen Dank<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>","","Gehalt","Radiologie","guest","1437303471" what am i doing wrong?
Hi, I read an article about Processwire in a Magazin and it sounds good. So i tested processwire and read a lot about it. Now I am sure that it is exactly what I was looking for my project. Currently, I use Drupal for my project, and before that I used WordPress. My Site has over 700 article and a lot of comments, other posttypes and (700) Users. Now my Problem is to migrate my Data from Drupal to Processwire. The articles were written by different users. The Comments were written by users and guasts. How can i Migrate my Porjekt without loosing to much information? I found this thread but what is with the users and comments? A lot more thinks are not transfered (post date and auhtor). Thanks a lot for your help!
Hi! I'm no php expert but I thought I should share my way of redirecting URLs from my old site setup. I'm going to use Drupal urls in this example, but should work for any url. I can't guarantee this is the best way of doing it, so please feel free to correct me if you have feedback regarding security, speed or similar. Step 1: Make sure that each page in PW has some kind of connection to its previous URL so it can recognize when a redirect needs to be done. I'm going to use the node id:s and taxonomy id:s that my pages had when they were located in Drupal. I've made sure to save them all into each processwire page in a field called "drupal_id". Maybe you could just save the old URL in a field when migrating and use that, as an alternative. Step 2: Open and add this to the very top: $thisurl = $sanitizer->url("http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"); // Check if the URL reminds you of the old url scheme if (preg_match("/com\/\?q=/", $thisurl)){ // if it looks like a node url if (preg_match("/\?q=node\/[0-9]*/", $thisurl, $nodeslug)){ $oldnid = preg_replace("/\?q=node\//", "", $nodeslug[0]); if ($match = $pages->get("drupal_id={$oldnid}")){ $session->redirect($match->httpUrl); } else { $session->redirect($config->urls->root); } // If it's a taxonomy url } elseif (preg_match("/\?q=taxonomy\/term\/[0-9]*/", $thisurl, $taxonomyslug)) { $oldtid = preg_replace("/\?q=taxonomy\/term\//", "", $taxonomyslug[0]); if ($match = $pages->get("drupal_id={$oldtid}")){ $session->redirect($match->httpUrl); } else { $session->redirect($config->urls->root); } } else { $session->redirect($config->urls->root); } } Regex is used to find URL schemes and extract drupal nids and tids from the url. These are then looked up using the api, only to return the new url. Each time the url redirect fails, it might be suitable presenting a warning to the user. I've added something like $session->message("This URL seems to have changed. Please use the search if you didn't find what you were looking for") on the line before redirect (not part of the code example above, for simplicity's sake). Hope this can be useful for someone else, too. And again, feel free to leave feedback! I'm here to learn, too
Below, I'll write how you can move your site from Drupal to ProcessWire. It's quite simple. In Drupal you will need: - Views Module, - Views Data Export Module, - Views UI Module (integrated with Views), - Chaos tools Module - required by Views. Install these modules and switch them on. In ProcessWire you need only: - CSV Page Import Process (Import Pages from CSV). Install this module. When you are ready, you have to create a new View (select: "Create a page") in Drupal with all fields which you want to export. Then, add "Data export" subpage and make sure, that format is CSV file. It's a good idea, to use Pager when you have lot of nodes (pages). You have to setup an url to download your CSV files. When you are ready - download your data. Next step: In ProcessWire, you have to prepare a template with your fields. When that's finished, you can import your data from CSV files using "CSV Page Import". That's all. If you have any questions, write them below. I can also write complete scenario for my website (if there will be anyone interested in that).